Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Turn Me Loose (1959)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Fabian sings he has change in his pocket. Every evening, Sam puts her change in the piggy bank on her kitchen counter. Do you do anything special with your coins? Or do they just jingle/jangle in your wallet or pocket until you spend them?
Pennies either go in my cup-holder in the car or into a penny jar by the register if there is one. Everything else just lives in my wallet till it's spent.
2) Fabian got his start because his neighbor in Philadelphia owned a record label and thought 14-year-old Fabian had the looks to be a teen idol. Tell us about a time recently when you were in the right place at the right time.
The last few weeks have seen that happen a few times, though not necessarily ME being in the right place. Certain others have been though.
3) His record label paid Fabian $30 week to study singing after school. What jobs/chores did you have when you were in high school? Did they prepare you for your eventual career?
I worked for about a year and a half at my local public library shelving books, and since you can still occasionally find me shelving books in a library, I'd say it totally did prepare me. Chores? Nothing much, just keeping out of trouble.
4) In 1959 he appeared on the cover of now-defunct magazines like Teen Screen and Dig. Who and what did you read about when you were a teenager?
I read Tiger Beat and Teen Beat. Still have a ton of those photos in a scrapbook too!
5) In the 1960s he moved from singing to acting. In 1965 he appeared in Ten Little Indians, a screen adaptation of an Agatha Christie mystery. Have you ever read an Agatha Christie book?
I'm pretty sure I've read ALL of her books, most of them more than once.
6) In 1973, in an attempt to jumpstart his career, he appeared nude in Playgirl magazine. By the time it hit the newsstands, he regretted it. Tell us about a time you were very embarrassed.
I think I gave up embarrassment for Lent a decade or so back.
7) In 1959, when this song was popular, most women wore nylons on a daily basis and the average price per pair was $1. What socks or leg wear -- if any -- do you have on right now?
Naked feet, naked feet! :) And my toesies are a little chilly, but I'm not a big fan of sox. And I'm wearing roll-up trousers that aren't rolled up on my legs.
8) 1959 also saw the premiere of The Twilight Zone on CBS. 58 years later, you can still see the show in reruns. Are you a fan?
I mean, I'll watch it if it's on, but I don't seek it out.
9) Random Question: While we're talking about TV ... Sam finds it disturbing that her brother claims he's seen every episode of Bad Blood, a show devoted to family members who have murdered their relatives. Do you enjoy "true crime" reality shows?
I like some of them. Some of them I like despite the wooden voice-overs and bad acting, but some of them are good. This one sounds a little exploitative.

3 sweet-talkers :

The Gal Herself said...

A new film adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express will be released next month! The star/director Kenneth Branaugh promises there will be some surprises. We'll just see about that.

Kwizgiver said...

I keep naked feet as long as possible--fall into winter.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Naked feet here, too. I’m also an Agatha Christie fan. I missed this week.
@Gal: There’s a new orient express rolling down the track? Yay!,, ♥️♥️‼️

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