Saturday, August 5, 2017

At 17...

(Found here)
started 4:18 p.m. 7/4/17

1601. What's on your key chain besides keys? My car, house, and church keys are on a plain ring that fits around my wrist and most doorknobs. My work keys are on a ring I bought at the St. Louis Arch. Most of the identifying decorations have fallen off at this point.

1602. How do you feel about endangered species? I'm sad about losing them. I wish we could stop killing Earth in general. But I'm also aware that this is how things happen in nature.

1603. What was the last CD you bought? The last one I have gotten is the Hamilton Mixtape, though it was a Mother's Day gift; I didn't buy it.

1604. Do you like feather pillows? Nope. I used to be allergic, and I still find them a problem.

1605. How about water beds? If I were alone, they'd be OK. Sleeping WITH someone of a substantially different size is problematic.

1606. Who or what do you feel the deepest responsibility towards? Myself, my family, God.

1607. How long is forever? By definition, no one knows.

1608. Who is your favorite family member? Sparky. Although to be very honest, it is somewhat dependent on the day and the situation.

1609. Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? I'm not all that afraid of people's anger. I don't enjoy it, of course, but anger doesn't scare me.

1610. Does this survey feel like it will never end? Once in awhile, I do sense that I might be in an endless loop.

1611. Have you ever eaten any kind of food off of someone else's body? Well, I've licked batter off people's hands and noses. Beyond that, I'm not going to say.

1612. Do you like the direction your life is going in? The ultimate direction is death. That doesn't thrill me but in general I'm finding things about my life that are good every day.

1613. Are you a traditional person? Sometimes. Certainly not usually, however.

1614. Have you ever felt like the victim of societal injustice? I'm a female, so yeah. I'm also the "luckiest" of "types" of women, in that my skin color matches that of those in power in the West, so I have plenty of blind spots about other people's unjust treatment. But seriously, if this one patron at work calls me "Sweetie" one more time, I'm quite likely to bash him in the skull.

1615. What feelings or thoughts do you repress? Thoughts of skull-bashing...

1616. What makes you feel ecstatic? Giggling with kids. Singing with others. Solving a problem that has been bothering me.

1617. What was your biggest mistake in the past three months? It all continues to track back to "opening my mouth" i.e. saying things I regret.

1618. York Peppermint Patty or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups? Reese's. I rarely crave chocolate and mint. Yuck.

1619. What are your feelings, if any, about Hugh Hefner? You know how so many people feel about spiders? Yeah, that's how I feel about HH.

1620. What is your specialty? Speaking out of turn. Focusing on details. Lack of self-control.

1621. Have you ever had a stalker? Not that I know of.

1622. Have you ever been a stalker? Not in the dangerous sense. I cyber-stalk people online until it gets too technologically difficult, or expensive.

1623. Ideally, how far would you like to live from your nearest neighbor? Right now, today? 10 miles. I hate fireworks season. Usually, though? A quarter mile or so would be perfect.

1624. What would you do if a teacher accused you of cheating when you really weren't? I'd volunteer to take the test again, in a another venue and at another time that s/he'd prefer. If someone was cheating off me without my knowledge, I'd be pissed and throw them right under the bus.
Or if that doesn't apply to you..
What would you do if a manager accused you of stealing when you really weren't? I'd hire a lawyer, and demand proof.

1625. What store would you most like a $10,000 (about 5900 British pounds) gift certificate to? Home Depot or something similar. I could buy all the things I need to repair and update the house, and maybe have enough to pay people to take care of things.

1626. What would you most like to reincarnate as? A housecat.

1627. What's in your undie draw...besides undies? Nothing. It's possible there's some plastic around something--I might some new stuff in there.

1628. How many languages can you say HELLO in? Oh, probably 6 or 7.

1629. If your whole country had to listen to you talk for ten minutes what would you talk about? I would make sure that somehow I could actually convince people of anything, and then I would explain how Donald Trump is destroying our country.

1630. Do you have a guardian angel? Judging by my history, I must have.

1631. Do you smoke? Nope.

1632. Who is more successful, Bill Gates or Mother Theresa? In each of their fields, by their own definitions, they are both successful.

1633. What band T-shirts do you own? U2, Styx, Boston, Paul Young... uhm, I don't remember any others.

1634. What is your favorite thing that is red? My son's hair.

1635. Have you ever worn mismatched socks on purpose? Nope. I'm hopelessly out of fashion.

1636. Do you check nutrition labels? Not nearly as often as I should.

1637. Most McDonalds value meals are about 1,500 calories (the amount of calories an average person needs in one whole day) and over 1,000 of those calories are from fat. What do you think about this? It's not a huge surprise. And I don't eat value meals.

1638. If you could delete someone's diary would you if:
They didn't agree with you? Nope.
They were rude/obnoxious to you? Nope.
They wrote rude entries? Nope.

1639. Have you ever worn:
A dress or a skirt if you are a guy? Well, I'm not a guy, so....
A tie if you are a girl? Yes, I was alive in the 80s when this was a thing.

1640. Do you trust people at restaurants who handle your food that they aren't doing anything gross to it while you can't see them? If I ever thought this was going on, I would seriously be unable to eat in public ever again. However, I do make a point to be nice to my food servers, because (among other good reasons) they could do this.

1641. How do you wear your hair each day? In the summer, it's usually in a pony or otherwise up off my neck (and sometimes pinned off my face too). Otherwise, it's in a shortish, shag sort of thing.

1642. Have you ever worn:
A gas mask? I don't think so, actually.
A blindfold? Of course.

1643. Would you be willing to go hang gliding? I would love to go hang-gliding.

1644. What is the difference between a man's button down shirt and a woman's button down shirt? They have buttons on the opposite sides, because history, fashion, stupid reasons.

1645. Have you ever taken a lock of someone else's hair? Yep.

1646. Have you ever given anyone a lock of your hair? "Given" no. I'd bet my mom hacked off a chunk at some point when I was a baby though.

1647. If you had a locket what would you put inside? I think I used to, or maybe still do, have one? It's probably got a photo inside.

1648. Is blood a turn on for you? Yuck, no. Blood is messy and smells nasty.

1649. Have you ever written anything in your own blood? No. This is weird.

1650. Have you ever drank, slurped or licked someone else's blood?  And now we've just gotten to 100% strange. I've licked a cut (of my own) to stop the bleeding, but I'd made a very bad vampire.

And poof: 18 questions disappeared. So I'll make up a few of my own: 
1651. If you have watched any Star Trek series, what episode is your favorite?  We're watching the BBCAmerica marathon today, and the next one after what is on now is one of my favorites: "There . Are . Four . Lights ."
If not, what is your favorite episode of your favorite guilty pleasure show? I always laugh at the Hamlet episode of Gilligan's Island.

Break for dinner and errands 5:10
Back, finally, 8/5 at 5:39 p.m.

1652. What is your go-to for extreme pain relief? "Extreme" means the hospital for me. Normally, I take whatever...ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Or even aspirin.

1653. Is this new guy the Most Interesting Man In The World? Nope. I liked the old one better.

1654. When was the last time your stayed in a hotel/motel/inn/b&b? Would you recommend that place to others? I had a me-only weekend in February in a small mid-state town. It was a Best Western, fairly new, and it was fine.

1655. How many light fixtures/lamps can you currently see from where you are? Are they turned on? I see parts of five electrical lights, but only one is on right now. I also see a kerosene lamp and four candles. Those are also unlit. And there's a flashlight within reach too.

1656. Do you have a green thumb? I do not. I try, I really do, but I lose interest.

1657. If you were given a completely free trip, with every single part of it paid for, from your choice in hotels and restaurants to sightseeing, but you had to go to Russia, would you? What about Rwanda? Romania? I totally would go to each of them! I do want to go back to Russia someday, and it would be lovely to see Romania. And Rwanda would be interesting.

1658. Danishes or donuts? I prefer cheese danishes and frosted donuts.

1659. What is the best thing that has happened to you recently? I had a good time at the county fair today. Not too hot, not too crowded, met some nice people, watched a LOT of weird people, listened to a steer auction.

1660. Who would you hate to find in your family tree? I wouldn't be thrilled to be connected with any historical serial killers or brutal dictators. But I am assured by my dad that this is unlikely: we are most likely related to horse-thieves and cattle rustlers.

1661. Google or Bing? Google.

1662. What colors do you look best in? What colors are your worst? I have been told I look good in rust (burnt orange) and teal (turquoise). I try to avoid red and hyperactive yellow.

1663. When are you most energized and awake during the course of the day? First thing in the morning, just after a shower. Mornings just tend to be better for me.

1664. If you could invent a drug that would cure the disease you fear the most, what would you name it? A miracle.

1665. What's your favorite recipe? Mac n cheese :
Cook some noodles, around 2 c dry. In another pan, combine 3 T butter and 3 T flour into a roux over medium heat. Add beef bouillon and chopped onions and cook for a minute or so. Slowly add about 2 c milk and stir constantly till boiling. Let boil approx 1 minute till slightly thickened. Turn down heat slightly and add cheddar cheese shreds or cubes, probably around 2 c or so, till you like the consistency. Take off heat. After draining the pasta pour into casserole dish. Pour cheese sauce over. Bake at 350 for 35-40 min.
That's the basic. There are plenty of things you can do to change it up. Just be sure to use good cheese that isn't too fatty.

1666. When was the last time you were at a swimming pool? I can't even remember. My neighbor has one. There was a pool on the cruise ship last year (like 16 months ago) of course. I honestly don't remember anything since that.

1667. What period of history is the most interesting to you? The Russian Civil War and all the changes there in the 1910s. The end of the 19th century, post-Civil-War western U.S. Early 1st-century Mediterranean area. British Middle Ages. Oh, hell, I'm not that fussy, really!

1668. What quality do you value most highly in others? Honesty and humor. Self-effacement.

1669. What is your opinion of the current political climate in your country? Oh my fucking God!

1670. In some high schools attendance of pep rallies is mandatory. How would you feel in this situation? I had to go cuz I was in the band. I think you should have an option to go to a study hall if you have no school spirit.

1671. Could you possibly fall in love with a prostitute? Well, I mean, they are people, so why not? I'm not sure I could maintain a long relationship with someone in the trade though.

1672. What do you think of these names:
Elton: Uh, no.
Billy: Not what I would choose to call someone named William.
Dwayne: I have never met a Dwayne/Duane who wasn't a complete mess.
Betsy: That was the name my dad always gave his cars, so no.
Liz: Meh.
Linda: One of the (many) (wrong) names people call me. Again, meh.

1673. What is one situation you want to avoid ever happening to you? I'd really rather not ever spend any time inside a jail/prison cell.

1674. Low fat or fat free? Depends on the item in question. Some fat-free stuff tastes fine, but a lot of it is just awful.

1675. Are you cowardly? Sommmmtimmmmesssss....

1676. Do you ever feel less than fresh? Whatever. That is the over-riding feeling in summer.

1677. Whose number is 867-5309? Jenny Jenny.

1678. Have you ever written something on a bathroom wall? Yup. Not for a very long time, however.

1679. When was the last time you fell down in public? I believe I crashed hard to the ground at work at some point this calendar year. Can't remember the circumstances, just that everyone gaped and then came running to make sure I wasn't dead.

1680. Are you more aggressive or mellow? Yes. Depends. I can be super-mellow about some things, but I can also fly right off the handle about other issues.

1681. What have you done with your self to keep your life worth living? Always learning new things.

1682. What is the most incredible thing you can do? The most incredible thing I've done is grow a small human inside of me. I can't do that anymore, however. These days it's more mind-reading of slightly goofy people at work and sleeping immense amounts of time.

1683. Do you bury your pets, flush them, or throw them away? I've never had a pet I could flush. Some have simply gone into the trash or whatever the vet does with put-down animals. We have three guinea pigs buried in our back yard. And (ahem) one in the downstairs freezer..... Long story.

1684. Do you get embarrassed when someone shows off baby pictures of you? No. I was an adorable baby.

1685. Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? My parents, duh.

1686. What's your favorite thing that is yellow? Uhm....well, yellow isn't my favorite color. I have a blouse that I like that's pale yellow, and most of our flashlights are yellow. Honestly, I can't think of anything much else.

1687. Do you take any vitamins or drugs? I take about four things (Rx and OTC) every morning and ditto that at bedtime.

1688. What's the coolest HTML code you know? Wouldn't you just like to know!!

1689. If you had to change your diary name what would you change it to? Oh hell, I dunno. I don't have time to be creative these days.

1690. Do you want to grow old with someone? Preferably, yes. I mean, I don't want to die on a deserted island or anything.

1691. Do you ever read entries titled 'leave notes'? I don't even know...

1692. Do you ever read entries titled 'please read'? I would find it hard to skip something like this, but I don't really get the reference.

1693. Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? I have.

1694. Have you ever played Magic the Gathering? No, and I really wish I had!

1695. Have you ever played Vampire the Masquerade? I've never even heard of this, and I'm not much of a vampire fan.

1696. Have you ever played Risk? Yes.

1697. Of the above mentioned four games which one is most appealing to you? If I had the time, D&D. I don't like Risk much.

1698. What have you complained for so long about having to do that you could've accomplished it by the time you were finished complaining? Cleaning the house, generally. Mostly the floors. I hate floor-cleaning.

1699. When was the last time you went out of your way to be cheerful and friendly, even when you felt like punching everyone around you? Every damned day at work at least briefly.

1700. Do you treat others better or worse than yourself and why? I try to be fair to everyone, but usually give myself the shorter shrift when it comes down to it.

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