(Found here)
1201. Have you ever owned a record? Of course. I still do, for that matter, probably about 100.
1202. In some states people want to make it a requirement that creationism (God made the world) be taught alongside evolution in high school sciences classes. What do you think of this? I think it's ridiculous. School should teach science. Church should teach God.
1203. Should evolution also be taught in religious establishments like church or temple? I think it's quite foolish to ignore it.
1204. Can a person believe in creationism and in evolution at the same time? I do. My dad did. My husband does. Most of the people I go to church with do.
1205. You obviously like surveys since you are filling out a 5,000 question one. Do any of the following surveys sound interesting:
The Doors/Jim Morrison Survey: Not my first choice. Or even my 34th choice.
The David Bowie Survey: Might be interesting since his death.
The Beatles Survey: Sure. Who doesn't like the Beatles?
The Rocky Horror Survey: lol yes indeed
The Labyrinth Survey: Oh yawn.
The SLC Punk Survey: Sure. Punk is fun.
The birthday survey: Sure.
So this is love, the survey: Probably going to both piss me off and make me feel old.
The heartache/break up survey: Nope. I do not need this.
Creationism vs. Evolutionism Survey: Hmm. Depends--it could be, or it could be awful.
Opinion Survey: I have some opinions.
World Trade Center Survey: How old is this??
Halloween Survey: Could be OK.
Survey of Sin: Sin? What kind of sin?
How evil are you? Survey: I wonder if I'd pass?
The Roaring 20's Survey: Really? This could be fun for sure.
Well, once, long ago, I created all those surveys. Now they are floating around in people’s diaries because the diary I had them in (Simply Surveys) was deleted due to disuse.
1206. Who did you get this survey from? I got it from the site it lives on.
Say one nice thing about the person you got this survey from: That would be me? And today's not a good day to ask me to say something nice about me.
1207. Here is a list of priorities...
Close friends
Being true to yourself/self respect
Aesthetics (beauty in the world)
Leading an exciting life
Making a contribution to humanity
Being rich
Being famous
Having power
World peace
Accepting and understanding others
Finding yourself
What are your top three priorities from this list? Making a contribution, Justice/fairness, Self-acceptance.
1208. Out of that same list what are your BOTTOM 3 priorities? Being famous, Living an exciting life, Being rich.
1209. How many hours of TV do you watch in an average day? Too many. At least 2-3.
1210. Do you want to have a car, a house and 2.5 kids? Who would want .5 of a kid? But I do have the first two, and one kid.
1211. What song, CD, or band is a 'guilty pleasure' for you (meaning you know it sucks but you like it anyway)? Oh, I listen to a LOT of crap. I think all kinds of music has its place, even Kelly Clarkson. ;-)
1212. If you were going to vote for a candidate for president and then you found out that the person you were going to vote for is HIV positive would that effect your vote and why? Not these days. Not any more than knowing a candidate had high blood pressure or polio.
1213. Have you ever had an HIV test? Not exactly. I used to donate blood regularly and they certainly would have told me if I was infected. And there's virtually no rational way I could have contracted it since then without it being noticed.
1214. What time do you:
Get up in the morning: On days I need to work or do stuff around the house, between 6 and 7 generally.
Eat lunch: Sometime between 12 and 1:30.
Do something active during the day: Hah! Really? Don't know me well, do you?
Go to bed: I'm in bed by 10 usually. But I read or do puzzles for awhile every night.
1215. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? I've ridden behind someone else a few times. I used to want to get my motorcycle license, but I'm pretty sure that life is over now.
1216. When you hear the word ‘biker’ what kind of person do you think of? My father-in-law worked for Harley Davidson, so I think of lots of things, including what everyone else thinks of.
1217. Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? Hell, no!!
1218. If your pet dies, you can now have it cloned for $50,000. How do you feel about this? I have a guinea pig. I can buy a new one for less than $20, if I want one. I'm not heartless, and piggies do have personalities, but I'm not spending that much money to clone Pinto.
1219. Are you or would you be embarrassed about buying condoms? Not particularly. They are useful for things other than the purpose for which they are created.
1220. Do any of your clocks make an odd noise or play a song when the hour strikes? Nope. They just ... tick.
1221. What are the things that make you go 'Hmmmm....' (remember that song?)? Yes, and I remember the bit on Arsenio it came from, too. People make me go "hmmm" a lot, like daily. Including my own dumb self.
1222. Are you a sinner? ...sigh.
1223. Are you naughty or nice? Yep, one or the other, or somewhere in between.
1224. Is belly-dancing sexy? I don't find it particularly wonderful, but I'm also not necessarily the target audience, either.
1225. What celebrity would you love to be able to dance with? I wonder if John Travolta can still dance.... Otherwise, Brad Pitt.
1226. What is your favorite comic book movie? Deadpool. Not even close to any others.
1227. What movie would you recomend [sic] for couples to watch on Valentine's Day? I wouldn't deign to do anything of the sort.
1228. Besides when you were little how many people have seen you completely naked and who? Several medical people probably have with or without my knowledge (hospitals are like that when you're drugged and/or in pain). A few others. It's not a long list.
1229. Is sex something that should be treated casually? Casually? No. But I also think it's given SO MUCH importance that it's become totally ridiculous.
1230. Have you ever participate[d] in an orgy? Nope. Unless RHPS counts somehow.
If no, would you ever consider it? Nope. But I would like to see RHPS in a theater again sometime.
1231. What song is in your head right now? "Fuckin' Perfect"
1232. What was the best day of your life like? It was happy. I can honestly say that right now I'm unable to consider this question beyond that fact.
1233. What are you all about? Honesty. And to a fault. For my sins.
1234. You have won a contest where you get all these great prizes but you can only keep one for yourself and must give the others away to friends, family or whoever. Which one do you keep and who do you give the rest to:
A $5,000 gift certificate to Radio Shack: This is either going to my nephew James or my son.
A brand new yellow jeep: Oh, this is my keeper! For sure.
An all expense paid vacation for 2 to Italy: Good heavens! So many options! I might just auction that off to the highest bidder and give the money to charity.
Lunch with N'Sync: The only person I can even think who ever cared about this was a babysitter we had 12 years ago. So, Megan, this one's for you!
A lifetime supply of Herbal Essences shampoo: My coworker in the children's department at work. She does more random shit with her hair--dying it blue, cutting it, bleaching it.... She probably would go through a "lifetime supply" in 20 years. ;-)
A $1,000 check: Sparky. So I guess James gets the Radio Shack stuff.
A Palm Pilot? Hah! Who would want one of these?? James would, but he's already got Radio Shack.
An autographed picture of Shakira: Uhm...auction? I can't keep it, can I?
Breakfast with Kid Rock: My next-door-neighbor, Jay, would probably love this. Or hate it. But he's the only one who wouldn't laugh at the suggestion.
A shirt once worn by Jonathan Davis: Who? [pause for Googling] OK, so I guess Jett, a youngish friend of mine who likes heavy metal. Though I have no idea if he cares about Korn.
One round of mini-golf with Sharon Osbourne: Beast? I think he'd enjoy the mini-golf and Sharon.
A phone call from Robert Smith: I had a penpal in high school who loved The Smiths. So, this goes to Vickie.
A brand new washer/dryer: Damn it! Well, since Sparky's covered, I guess it goes to Ham whose life is completely upside down right now.
Free medical insurance for 1 year: Lisa at work.
1235. Who do you think you might have known in a past life? I don't believe in past lives.
1236. Do you take vitamins? Yup.
1237. Do you prefer fake or real flowers around the house? Real.
1238. Sometimes roses are pink, yellow, white or red. If you give someone a rose, does its color change the meaning behind it as a gift? Well, I don't put a lot of stock in the whole color-meaning thing, but I wouldn't give red roses unless I meant it.
1239. What's the most deadly thing you can think of? Once the brain stops getting oxygen, that's pretty much it.
1240. To-MAY-toes or to-MA-toes? I say "MAY", but once I cross the pond I try to remember to "MA" them.
1241. Out of all your friends, family and the people you know who is the most:
Intelligent: Amy
Happy: Carolyn
Miserable: Beast
Easily influenced: Oh, dear, so very many....!
Cranky: I think I'm the cranky one....
Bitchy: Katherine
Evil: I don't tend to hang with evil people....
Nice: Jenny
1242. What's the best live musical performance you ever saw? "The Lion King" Broadway on Tour. Although the BoT show of "Les Miserables" was pretty good.
1243. Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare'? I've been pregnant. It was, occasionally, scary.
1244. Kelly Osbourne or Madonna's version of “Pappa [sic] Don't Preach”? Madonna, but I really don't like the song at all, so....
1245. Can you change a tire? If I have to, I can probably muddle through, but I'd really rather call AAA.
1246. Have you ever put your fist through a wall? Nope. I leave that to the testosterone-poisoned.
1247. When do you feel the most relaxed and able to be yourself? About the time I'm dropping off to sleep at night.
1248. Do you have a place that is your own where you won't show anyone else? No really. Well, inside my head there are a few hideaways...
1249. Are you a part of any teams or clubs? Nope. Not as such.
1250. Is cheerleading a sport? It is now.
1251. Do you believe that people should be able to choose death for themselves if they want to end their lives? Yes I do.
1252. Is there anything you morally object to? Nah, I'm good with whatever.
Uh, yeah, there are a quite a few things I object to on moral grounds, all encompassed by Trump's campaign and persona.
1253. What would you never do for money? A lot of things. I'd probably not agree to break the law for pay.
1254. Applebees, the Outback, or TGI Friday's? I can't really pick between Applebees and Fridays. Haven't eaten either place in awhile.
1255. Which do you drink the most: juice, soda, milk, or water? Diet Dr. Pepper. Shocked?
1256. What sport do you like to watch the most? Football. Duh.
1257. What sport do you like to play the most? I don't really play anything anymore. Maybe pool, or pingpong?
1256 redux. Do you write poetry? Not with any intent or focus.
1257 redux. Are you aggressive? More than I'd like to be.
1258. Have you ever fallen from grace? Far too often. It never stops hurting when I land, either.
1259. Does it bother you when a band you like gets really popular? That's usually when I hear about them, so no.
1260. Has anyone ever won you a stuffed animal? Yeah, Beast did that a couple of times.
If yes, did you name it after the person who won it for you? Heh, nope, didn't even think of doing that!
1261. Can you go one week without cursing at all? Fuck no.
1262. What's the best candy? Smarties. The American version. Or gummi bears.
1263. Can you lick your own nose? No thanks, my name is not Gene Simmons.
1264. What song would you like to hear spontaneously in a public place (like a store)? Like a flash-mob? Or like over the Muzak? Actually, it doesn't really matter--I probably won't notice unless I hate it or I find myself singing along.
1265. Do you ever make others feel unwanted? I'm sure I do. I'm absolutely CERTAIN that I did today.
1266. Do you think you have ever made others feel unwanted without realizing you were doing it? I mostly do it without realizing it.
1267. Are you very sensitive to what other people are feeling and how they will react to certain things? Usually, I am. Except when I'm having a navel-gazing day.
1268. Have you ever climbed a tree? A few.
1269. Do you feel somehow different when the moon is full? Nope.
1270. Who do you know that talks a lot but never really says anything? Me? Lisa? A lot of women do this.
1271. Is world peace possible? Not the way we humans operate, nope.
1272. Who do you know that is making a huge life mistake yet you can't stop them? My godson has a stupid moment on a daily basis. The older he gets--he's 22 now--the more amazingly HUGE they are.
What’s the mistake? I've been saying for over a decade now that he's a budding sociopath. So, yeah.
1273. Do you plan to own a home or rent an apartment for most of your life? Own.
1274. Would you enjoy going to a strip bar to see strippers (of whatever sex you find appealing)? Not particularly.
1275. Would you ever consider stripping in a sexual way for money? I wouldn't even consider doing it for free!
1276. Would you ever consider being a nude model for an artistic life drawing class for money? How much and anywhere near here? I don't want anyone who knows me to be there.
1277. What are 2 goals that you have? Stop saying stupid things. Figure out why I say stupid things.
1278. What are 2 negative traits that you have? Saying stupid things. I have a quick temper.
1279. Will these negative traits stop you from achieving your goals? They may.
1280. Everyone knows that you are nice, fun, creative, and good but what are 4 other positive traits that you have? I can figure out directions fairly easily. I like doing what a lot people think is boring stuff. I don't like spending money. I tend to focus, in a panicky situation, on solving the problem rather than panicking.
1281. How often do you daydream about your wedding day? I got married 30+ years ago. I don't really daydream about it at all.
1282. If you were hiring someone for a job but could only ask him or her 3 questions in the interview what would you ask? "Why do you want to work here--what is something we're doing that interests you?" "How would you handle [specific weird interaction with a patron]?" "What has trained you the best to do this job? Education? Experience? Examples...."
1283. If you were interviewing someone for the position of your new friend but could only ask 3 questions, what would they be? What? I can't even...
1285. Wholesome - Conducive to sound health or well being; salutary: simple, examples: wholesome food; a wholesome climate, Promoting mental, moral, or social health: example: wholesome entertainment.
Do you enjoy wholesome activities (sports, cooking, beach, family time, zoo, museums, etc.)? Some of them, yes.
If yes what wholesome activity do you enjoy the most? I like clean comedy (as well as not-so-clean), family time, museums, reading, church...
Are you a wholesome person? Not always.
1286. When was your first kiss and what was it like? I was a teenager and it was awkward.
1287. Are you quiet and shy? I tend to be shy and a nervous talker.
1288. Are you bitchy, cranky, whiny, miserable, depressed, needy, mean, flakey, shallow, obnoxious, inconsiderate, nervous, and/or stuck up? Yes, to a greater or lesser extent. Today was a particularly needy, shallow, mean, nervous and obnoxious day.
1289. Do you come off any of these ways even if you aren't really like that? I'm sure I come off as stuck-up for more than I think I try to be. I'm sure I have looked very needy as well.
1290. Are you loud and unfriendly? I don't ... think so....?
1291. Can a positive attitude/good personality make up for someone being less than beautiful? Of course. And the reverse is also true: a shitty attitude/personality can make someone beautiful look hideous.
1292. Can being totally beautiful and hot make up for a negative attitude/bad personality? It isn't going to work for me, no.
1293.What are you seeking? Oblivion.
1294. Could you see yourself as a future nun/monk? Yup. Except, I'd have to convert first.
1295. Would you rather have a baby or get a pet? I would so much like to have a dog, but it's just not going to happen. I'll borrow other peoples' kids, but I don't want any babies of my own.
1296. What mistake do you repeat over and over? O-pen-ning my-mouth in-ser-ting my-foot.
1297. What do you think of the restaurant Hooters? The only one nearby (within 45 minutes) has closed. I think I had their wings once. They weren't that great. Not even close.
1298. What are 5 traits that make someone ugly? Meanness, dishonesty, self-centeredness, anger, intentional stupidity.
1299. Do you hate when people tell you to smile? Nope. I've only recently started noticing it. It just rolls off me, usually. I've always done the Fakiest-of-Fake smiles when I'm told to smile. It usually stops anymore commentary.
1300. Do you like the writing of Douglas Adams? He's amusing and clever, but I gotta say he's not THAT amusing or clever!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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