Saturday, April 18, 2015

Blogthings Kapow!

Your Heart is Heart Shaped
Your heart loves so much that it could not be any other shape but heart shaped. You make sure there is plenty of love in the world.

You are constantly putting love in motion with your words and actions. If you love someone, you make sure it's known.

You are the first to make someone feel appreciated or taken care of. You are naturally very nurturing.

You love a lot of people in different ways, but there is always room for more love in your life.
Whatever. This started out so sappy I could hardly keep reading the result.

You Are A Blackberry Mojito
You have a strong personality, and you know what you want out of life. You can't be easily swayed.

You always are charting your own path, and that sometimes makes you a loner... but it sometimes makes you a leader.

You love a good challenge, and you are always looking to expand your horizons. For you, life is all about little discoveries.

You are generous with your knowledge and time. You enjoy sharing your passions with friends
, and people look to you for new inspiration and ideas.
Well, this is me-ish, I suppose.

You Are Lavender Chamomile
You are a bit of a romantic when it comes to all aspects of life. You like to stop and smell the flowers.

You love the finer things in life, and you always appreciate a glorious scent or a beautifully decorated space.

You get warm feelings from so much in this world, and you don't have an envious bone in your body. You are happy when others triumph.

You are at peace with the life you live and don't feel like you need to compete with others. Your path is perfect... for you.
This is, truly, one of my favorite scents! I'm not so sure of the description, but it's not awful.

You Are a Round Diamond
You are a loyal and devoted person. Your family and friends mean the world to you, and you treat them as such.

You put a lot of time and energy in relationships, romantic and otherwise. You can't imagine a world without the people you love.

You are very dependable
and caring. You take care of your own needs too, but you never make a big fuss about them.

You are a peacemaker, and you believe in bringing people together. You think we all have a lot more in common than we might think.
Right. Close enough.

Your Swimsuit Style is Sporty
You are the type who actually swims in your swimsuit, and you've got to make sure it's up for the job.

You love summer more than most folks, and you make sure to get out there and do all your favorite thing. You have an action-packed season every year.

You are an enthusiastic and optimistic person, which means you have plenty to do every summer. People love having you around.

Even though summer is supposed to be your off time, you stay as busy as ever. But you keep a few minutes free for a dip in the pool!
ha ha ha ha

You Are 76% 80s!
You're so 80s that you're practically still living in them. No need to leave time's greatest decade behind!

You are all about having fun and enjoying your favorite things. And if you happen to be totally retro, well you're cool with that.
Too true, I guess. It was a period of life that was good. To me.

You Are Belfast
You are bright, lively, and always down for doing something a little off the beaten path. You make your own fun and adventure.

You are always up for going out and enjoying yourself. You love a good scene, especially one with good music.

There is a more serious, contemplative side to you as well - you like to learn about the world, especially when it comes to things others know little about.

You like to discover things for yourself, and you're all about applied knowledge. The best learning doesn't always come from books.
Never, ever, have I considered visiting Belfast. Still not likely to visit, though.

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