Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Welcome to My Nightmare (1975)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Tell us about a bad dream you've had.
Most of the unpleasant dreams I have lately are full of Extremely Irritating Things from real life: patrons too stupid to be alive and mean on top of it, traffic jams, piles of complicated work that I want to do but keep getting interrupted.
This morning I woke up from a dream about going to church--except, in the way of dreams, it was nowhere I've ever actually worshipped--where I had to use the bathroom, but the wall to the room disappeared as I was sitting, and a new adult Sunday School person showed up and started preaching at us so Beast and I tried to explain that the class was more of a "sharing with each other" situation because none of the other people wanted to talk to him at all. It sounds like an annoying dream, but the dream was actually really pretty lovely, full of people and places and situations that were calming. Except for that bathroom wall part. ;-)
2) Sam is not crazy about spiders. What frightens you, or gives you "the creeps?"
I'm watching "Dirty Jobs" this morning. Mike is dealing with hagfish. They're pretty gross. Earwigs, though--man, they freak me the fuck up. {{shudder}}
3) This week's featured artist, Alice Cooper, has always liked to dress up. Performing as Alice, he wears garish eye makeup. In his first group, he and his bandmates dressed as the Beatles. Will you be wearing a costume this weekend?
Nope. I went to work dressed as a librarian, complete with glasses and cardigan. Today, I'm still in my jammies.
4) Alice says his makeup was inspired by Bette Davis in his favorite horror movie, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? This Halloween weekend, will you seek out horror movies and scary TV shows, or will you avoid them?
We watched RHPS on Logo last night. Not horror, except in that it's SO BAD. And no, we didn't throw toast.
5) Born Vincent Furnier, Alice used to tell reporters that he and his band got the name Alice Cooper from a Oujia board. Have you ever tried a Oujia board?
Yes. Ridiculous but fun for 14-year-old girls on sleepovers.
6) Alice and his band (also called Alice Cooper) were discovered by music manager Shep Gordon while playing in Venice, California. Have you ever visited Venice, California or Venice, Italy?
I have not. Well, not that I know of--we may have been near Venice Beach when I was in LA 35 years ago. Maybe the trip this winter, we'll swing past. I hear it's pretty awesome. The nearest I've been to Venice, Italy is Florence (or the Venetian casino in Vegas). Someday....
7) In 1970s England, a morality campaigner named Mary Whitehouse persuaded the BBC to ban Alice Cooper. The ensuing publicity resulted in such a bump in record sales that Alice sent Ms. Whitehouse flowers. Do you believe in censorship? Or should adults be able to choose to see/hear whatever they wish?
I'm a librarian. I do not believe in censorship. I buy all kinds of stuff that's potentially offensive. I think adults should be able to choose their own poison.
Also, I find it terminally amusing that all the people who want to censor Alice Cooper on religious grounds seem to be unaware that he's a Christian.
8) Today Alice has a popular syndicated radio show, Nights with Alice Cooper. Listeners all over the United States, Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, and the UK hear him introduced as, "a man for whom even Dr. Phil has no cure." Do you watch Dr. Phil?
Hell to the no! My sister has a thing for him, but I find him really grating.
9) Did you get many trick or treaters this year? What candy did you give them?
It was a pretty slow night due to cold and serious wind. We have over half the candy we bought sitting here:
This, plus another giant bag of Fun Mix, we have left
I'll be bagging most of it up for Operation Christmas Child today and/or tomorrow. We're packing boxes in two weeks.

4 sweet-talkers :

CountryDew said...

That is a good use of leftover candy.

Kwizgiver said...

Love your answers. And my rant was pre-coffee. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I always get weird bathroom dreams, as well. Well, they're usually more gross than humiliating. I wonder why.

That is a good idea for leftover candy!

I am Harriet said...

I saw that Dirty Jobs was on and I was wondering what that had to do with Animal Planet.

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