Saturday, November 1, 2014

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. What is your favorite scary movie?
I really don't 'do' scary movies. Almost all movies scare me at some point, so the ones intending to do so put me into full-on heart-failure. I mean, the chariot race in Ben-Hur freaks me out! OK, so the most scary movies I can speak to are Psycho and The Birds (though the story on which it's based is WAY scarier!). Yeah, not a scary movie fan.
2. What is it about this movie that makes it your favorite?
I love the suspense, and the way the "creepy" factor sneaks up on the audience slowly, unfolding like a flower. Or an onion. It's why I want to see Gone Girl--I didn't finish the book because I hated the characters, but I think the movie must be simply amazing.
3. Among genres of movies, how high does traditional “horror” movies rank on your favorites list?
Right there at the very bottom, just above "traditional p0rn." OK, I might even put p0rn higher on the list than horror.
4. How high does the “psychological thriller” rank on your favorites list?
OK, NOW we're talkin'! LOVE those!!
5. If you’re going to watch a scary movie, do you prefer to be in a theater with a lot of people, at home with a one or two other people close by, or home alone?
I prefer never to watch one. I'd rather be alone, so I could just turn it OFF!!
6. What’s the last scary movie you watched?
Yeah, well....obviously, none of them. We watched RHPS last night on Logo. It was fun, but it's such a craptastic movie that it's almost unwatchable without a crowd of people shouting and throwing stuff around. But, really: Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Meatloaf, Tim very meta to think about their careers since this movie.

1 sweet-talkers :

Diana_CT said...

We share the same love of horror movies.

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