Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Too Close 
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a friendship that turned romantic ... and it doesn't end happily. Have you ever crossed that line with a friend? If so, how did it work out?
Yeah, I did. I married him 28ish years ago. It's worked out ok, overall. ;-) On the other hand, I have a dear friend in college whom I kissed once--and it was a doozy!--but realized very quickly that it wasn't really a good idea. We're still friends today.
2) When he was a kid, this week's singer, Alex Clare, listened to his dad's Stevie Wonder records. When you were in 7th/8th grades, what music were you into?
Disco, baby! I loved the Bee Gees and Chic and all the other dance music.
3) "Too Close" has been featured on the TV show, The Vampire Diaries. Do you enjoy shows/books/movies about the supernatural?
Not any more than I like other genres. If they're good, I like them. If they're crap, no. There are a lot of "no" options lately.
4) Some of Alex Clare's tour dates were sponsored by Bud Light. Do you like beer?
Nope. Horrible stuff.
5) Mr. Clare trained to be a chef, just in case the music thing didn't work out. Are you a good cook?
I know my way around, but I really it's not my favorite thing.
6) Crazy Sam is forever running out of mayo because she slathers it on her sandwiches. What is currently on your grocery list?
See, now, this is TWO SEPARATE PLACES (a friend's Facebook post is the other) reminding me that I need to hit the store. The universe is sending me a message. I need a ton of stuff and I need to cull the pantry: while putting together a bag for the food pantry last weekend, I discovered that 80% of what is in there is stamped with dates in the past.
7) Where are you most likely to find spare change -- between the sofa cushions, in your jeans as you toss them into the washer, or under the floor mat of your car?
Floor mat. I don't carry change in my clothes very often.
8) How did you spend your Friday night -- working late, hanging out with friends, or just enjoying a quiet night at home?
We watched some DVR'd shows, until I couldn't sit on the couch without pain any longer and went to bed to read for a couple of hours.
9) Do you use Pinterest?
I have an account, but I don't think I've pinned anything for at least 6 months.

4 sweet-talkers :

Anonymous said...

Don't tell anyone, but I took disco dance lessons when I was in my early teens. :-)

Kwizgiver said...

My sisters loved Disco so I listened to a lot of it.

The Gal Herself said...

I did love the Sat Night Fever soundtrack.

Helena said...

Yup! I was a disco chic supreme at our local community centre!

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