Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday 5

(Link in meme-roll)
Feeling Yucky
  1. How do you like to be treated when you're feeling really sick?
    I like to be pretty much ignored, except if I need help with something (like a ride to the doctor because I've gotten REALLY sick).
  2. What's something you do when you're really sick that doesn't make any sense or defies conventional wisdom?
    Depends on the sickness I've got. I do a lot of snacking and reading, which is the opposite of what Beast does.
  3. When was the last time you were out of commission for an extended time?
    Last winter some time. I don't really crash that often, mostly because I take it seriously when I start feeling lousy.
  4. What's the most unusual diagnosis you've had for an illness, if you don't mind my asking?
    I got 'walking pneumonia' as a tween which always brings to mind some weird images. I was sick as a dog, about as sick as you can be and not be hospitalized. My introduction to codeine....oooh, flowwwwwttteeeeeee.....
  5. When you feel you're about to come down with something awful, what steps do you take to beat it back?
    Vitamin C, lots of water, and rest, rest, rest. I'm a big believer in sleeping it away.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I'm with you about sleep being the ultimate healer!

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