Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
Meme 325

Something that's holding you back from achieving your dreams:
Probably equal parts fear and laziness/inertia.
Something you think you could win an award for:
Blurting out things that are better left unsaid or better left to percolate before saying. I definitely should win the Foot-In-Mouth Award, every time it's handed out.
Something you fear more than anything:
The thought of anything really bad happening to Sparky terrifies me. I'm sorry, all you parents of little kids: this is not a fear that gets better when the kid has moved out of the house. I hate when my mom is right...she warned me about this.
Something you wish people would understand:
Saying you're sorry doesn't mean you're weak.
Something that keeps you going everyday:
Something amazing that happened last summer:
I honestly don't remember much about last summer (2012) that was good. I guess the best news was that Dipshit Boss announced her departure.
Something you hate that people say:
Repeatedly using the word "wevs".
Something you refuse to pay money for:
Monthly pedicures. I don't mind a post-winter cleanup, but I can do my own toes, thanks.
Something you wish you could have told that person that you never saw again:
There was a guy who used to come in the library every day who was actually very scary. In the past 15 years, he's easily the only person I've actively felt physically unsafe around. He had some serious demons, and he never, ever threatened me, but those demons had a tight hold of his mind so anything was possible. I haven't seen him in a couple of years. I'm hoping he is getting help and isn't hurt or in prison (i.e., not being helped). I wish I could have found a way to say that, in spite of being afraid of him, I only wished him the best.
Something that really stands out about last year:
Aside from constant low levels of suckage? I guess the new boss. He's been good for me, for us, for the library.
Something you like that everyone else thinks is weird:
All the crazies at our library. They are annoying, some of them are downright infuriating, but they're our weirdos!
Something you do when you're trying to calm down:
Breathe. Deep breaths, being alone, and slow walking.
Something you do when you wake up at three AM:
Sudoku on my Nook. Or I come downstairs and read.
Something amazing that's happened this year:
I'm pretty amazed at the thought of turning 50 in a couple of months....
Something you love doing on cold rainy days:
NOT going outside! Reading and napping and ignoring the weather.
Something you listen to when you're in a really good mood:
The anniversary mix Amy made for Beast two years ago.
Something that irritates you more than anything:
Something you're addicted to/can't stop doing:
Something that really stands out about you:
I try really hard not to stand out.
Something about you that's like everyone else:
Nothing. Although I do seem to look like "someone else" to an awful lot of people.
Something that makes you change the channel:
(don't hate me) Reality shows based on families/people south of the Mason-Dixon line. There seems to be some kind of conspiracy to make southerners look ridiculous on national TV.
Something you think about every night before you go to sleep:
How tired I am.
Something that you don't think will ever change about you:
I am 100% certain that I'll never have 20/20 vision without corrective lenses. Or, at this point, even with them!
Something about you that you think will soon change:
I'm barely holding on to perceived "normalcy" lately. I think the mask is slipping off quickly.
Something that broke your heart as a child:
Every-damn-thing. I was (am) a Frequent Cryer. I'm sure I cried over lost/broken toys and friends who were mean to me, but I can't think of a specific instance. I have an awesome memory of crying during reading class in 2nd grade, but I can't remember what the problem was aside from being in a strange room with a teacher who didn't seem very nice. She was my 'regular' teacher in 3rd grade, though, and we got on just fine.
Something that really sparks your interest:
People. They are endlessly entertaining.
Something that truly disgusts you:
People. They are endlessly creative in being awful to each other.
Something the opposite gender has complimented you on:
sigh... the single most complimented part of my body has always been my ass. Nice guys usually mention my brain, too. ;-)

4 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

As long as I can keep the crud off of my heels, I'm doing at home pedicures.

Kwizgiver said...

This is where we differ, I love a pedicure!

Unknown said...

I turn 50 next May. It's a strange feeling. When you're younger that seems so old but now that I'm approaching it, it sounds old but I don't feel that old. Have a great week!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Hang on to your own personal brand of normalcy. Don't change!

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