Monday, August 12, 2013


(found here)
started 8/7/13 9:12 p.m.

1] Were you born? In a hospital 4 blocks outside the city in which I grew up.

2] Did you meet your best friend? I met Beast in my dorm room freshman year when he came to harass my roommate, who ignored him. I met Jenny at our first band rehearsal of freshman year. I met Amy at a consortial (work) meeting.

3] Was your first job? Babysitting.

4] Did your grandparents live? They lived out the end of their lives in a house they built in my hometown. My dad went to high school in the building my junior high was in (which has been torn down this summer).

5] Do you shop for groceries? It varies. If I'm in my workplace town, I'll hit the locally-owned store, unless I need something unusual or weird. If I have to, I'll go to the regional chain next. However, for my actual Big Shopping Trips, I go to the city on the other side of us because they have better prices and I like the store better.

6] Did you have your first kiss? On the lips.

7] Did you go to pre-school? Since it still exists under the same name, I'll just say that it is 4.5 blocks down the hill from my house, and kitty-korner from my grade school. Here's a photo:
Those cutouts are exactly the same as they were when I was a student.

8] Did you live before here? Not too far away.

9] Do you frequently shop for clothes? I don't "frequently shop for clothes."

10] Do you last go? Home.

11] Do you get your hair cut? HQ.

12] Do you keep your nail polish between manicures? In my upstairs bathroom cupboard.

13] Is the nearest park? About .25 miles north of here.

14] Did you have your last kiss? Lips, in the staff breakroom. ... Don't be that way: Beast brought some stuff over to the library and I kissed him goodbye.

15] Would your dream house be located? I'm actually in my dream house, but I'd rather it were in the mountains.

16] Do you usually go for concerts? Wherever the musicians we want to listen to are playing. We've attended big concerts in 5 or 6 venues within 75 miles of where I am now. And there are concerts much closer quite often.

17] Do you buy body jewelry? Online. Unless by "body jewely" you mean earrings, in which case, I buy them lots and lots of different places.

18] Were you last night? At work till 9, then here on the couch till 11, then in bed.

19] Is your cellphone right now? Charging on the Crossley.

20] Do you spend most of your time? Bed...or work. Take your pick.

21] Did you go to elementary school? Kitty-corner across from that photo above.

22] Do you go when you want to be alone? My car or my bedroom.

23] Is the nearest mall? According to Google Maps, there's one about 5 miles from here, but really the nearest mall as I define them is about 20 miles away.

24] Do you go to buy snacks most often (ex. Quick Chek)? The grocery store. Boring, eh?

25] Do you go when you want fast food? Taco Bell is my go-to for lunch/dinner; McD's for breakfast.

26] Do you usually go out to eat? There is no "usually" here: we go all over for food.

27] Did you purchase your car from? Carmax.

28] Did you last apply for a job? December 1995.

29] Were you on 9/11? Beast called me when I was at church doing some volunteer work. I drove home--the first tower fell as I listened on the radio--and turned on the TV. Minutes later, our new pastor called and asked if they could come over since they didn't have theirs hooked up yet.

30] Did you purchase the shirt you're wearing? It was last summer's Summer Reading Program shirt.

31] Did you get your last pet? PetCo, I think.

32] Do you keep your makeup? I don't really have makeup; my chapstick are in the top drawer in the bathroom.

33] Were you this morning? I got up at 5:30 for 6:30 Bible Study. Then, work.

34] Do you go when you're on a break at work? I don't really get breaks except for meals.

35] Is your mom right now? That's a pretty heavy metaphysical question for me right now; today's the fifth anniversary of my mother-in-law's death. My own mom died almost eleven months later.

36] Are your pets right now? In their cage, rustling around chewing on newspaper.

37] Were you at ten this morning? Pretty much established that I was at work this morning, yo.

38] Did you sleep last night? In bed.

39] Did you live five years ago? Here.

40] Is the last person you texted? Beast, who I believe was already in bed and so didn't answer.

41] Does your dad work? Not anymore.

42] Does your mom work? Ahem. Not anymore.

43] Do your siblings work? Of those who aren't dead, one works and the other is retired and thinks her job is to pester the rest of us.

44] Would you like to get married? I would prefer not to get married again.

45] Would you like to go on vacation? Mountains.

46] Is your favorite amusement park located? I don't really go for amusement parks. There's a totally awesome Ferris wheel about 60 miles from here that I love, though.

47] Would you like to work? At my current workplace.

48] Did you last purchase something? I got a massage after work today, so I guess that?

49] Do you go to buy yogurt? That ever-recurring grocery store.

50] Does your significant other live? Here.
paused 8/7/13 10:17 p.m.

restarted 8/11/13 6:42 p.m.

Are you all hunched over when you sit at the computer? I'm actually sitting on one end of the sofa with my feet up on the recliner. Shoulders are not in the best possible position, but oh well.

Did you ever play with worms when you were younger? Yes I did.

Do you ever get homesick if you're away for to long? I can't remember being gone long enough to get homesick for awhile.

Do you forget a lot of your childhood? I'm sure I have. Everyone does. But I have a lot of good memories left so far.

Do you hook your bra and then put it on? Wow, that's...I did this when I was quite young, but not for several decades now.

Do you like sitting in the back seat of a car? i don't mind it, but I can't travel there for too long; I get motion-sick.

Do you ever do what you say you're going to do? Isn't that what's expected when someone says they're going to do stuff? I try to keep my word, yeah.

How often do you procrastinate? Regularly. It's what I'm doing now....

Are your legs shaved right now? Nope.

Where'd you go today? Church, McDonald's, the basement...nothing too exciting.

How dramatic are you? I really don't like drama, so I try NOT to be.

How do you feel about those Electronic Cigarettes? Whatever. Not interested. Better for me if you smoke those instead of tobacco, I guess.

Ever dated a player? I think I may have, by accident, briefly.

Have you ever ordered a pizza just for you? I bought a Papa Murphy's a few week's ago and ate most of it myself over the course of a week.


In what form of communication did you last use to talk to the person you're currently interested in? Beast is sitting across the room. We have been talking off and on all evening.

If you were to leave the house right now, would you change your current outfit all? If I were just going outside, no. If I were getting in the car and heading to town, I might change.

When was the last time something really cute happened to you? I have cute interactions at work fairly often with kids. Oh, I did have a cute little conversation with a kiddo this morning about the cookies he got after church.

Why aren't you texting the last person you kissed? Because he's sitting in the room with me!

Has anything happened to you within the past month that's made you really happy? I witnessed the birth of my newest great-nephew two weeks ago. That was pretty cool.

Do you want to see someone right now? I would like to see a couple of friends I haven't seen in a very long time.

Do you currently have feelings for anybody? ...shoot me please...

When was the last time you changed clothes in front of someone? Last night, maybe? Don't remember...

Are you the youngest person living in your home? Nope, I'm actually the oldest.

Did a boy or girl text message you last? Girl.

Think back to the last person that you held hands with, would you kiss them? Sure. I have kissed him, in fact.

When was the last time something bothered you? Right now.

Have you ever kissed the last person that you texted? Hmm, no? Hugged, yeah.

What was the last thing you looked up on YouTube? Something someone posted on Facebook, I'm sure.

Have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours? Hmmm, don't think so, no.


You're locked in a room with the person you last kissed, what do you do? Work on getting out.

What is your current mood? Rapidly shifting.

What are you currently listening to? L&O:CI is on.

Do you like competition? I am competitive, though whether I like being that way is more difficult to answer.

Has anyone ever called you a bitch? Of course.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped? Yes.

What was the last pill that you took? I literally JUST took a Zyrtec-D less than 2 minutes ago!

Where do you go when you need to just get away? Somewhere quiet.

What's something you really want right now? A clue.

Is there someone that makes you happy every time you speak with them? It makes me happy to talk to most kids.

When is the last time you said you were fine and you really weren't? ALL the time.

Do you sometimes wonder what the world would be like without you? I'm sure you'd all get along just fine, don't worry.

Have you ever had anything expensive stolen from you? I can't think of anything expensive that I've ever owned, so now.

Do you always answer your texts? 90% of the time, yes.

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Washed my face.

Would you ever date someone who thought they knew EVERYTHING? Nope. Not anymore.

Do you like your cell phone? I love my cell phone.

What did you do this weekend? Moved some furniture into Sparky's new dorm room, bought some plants, cooked ahead for this week, went to church, did laundry, cleaned the guinea pig cage....

Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months? I've been in a relationship for 28 years, so I can probably handle 6 months.

Does sex mean love? Nope.

Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? Hmmm, actually, I'm not sure I can. I can tell you about when it was though.

Where was it? On the lips. And I think we were in his dorm room, or maybe at a dance or walking home from one.

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? Yup. As usual.

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months? Honestly yes. See above, re married.

Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yes. Not for a very VERY long time....

Do you think two people can last forever? Sure. I've seen it happen.

Is there a day you would like to repeat again and again? No. Groundhog Day is not my idea of fun.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Walker once she got to her apartment last night. I wanted to make sure she was ok.

What was the most memorable thing that happened last summer? ...yeah, no...I am NOT going there. It was horrendous!

Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I love him.
paused 8/11/13 7:39 p.m.

paused 8/12/13 8:52 p.m.

BOLD the true statements:
Your Friends
you have a select few best friends
people you spend most of your time with are assholes
you've had more than 5 of your friends move away in your lifetime
you have more guy friends than you do girl friends
you've had a really big fight with more than one of your best friends
your friends all look alike

Your Computer
you have an active twitter account
you're hardly on the computer
the computer you use the most is not your own
you have more music files than photo files
you have more than one Blogger account

you party on the weekends
your idea of a good time involves weed and/or alcohol
you are acquainted with someone who is well-known for the parties they throw
you've attended a house party before [I'm assuming this is different from a "housewarming"]
the only kind of parties you've gone to are birthday parties!

Your Family
your parents are still married
you get along with your siblings
you could be considered the "black sheep" in your family
you're the youngest of your siblings
you have a side some members of your family that you don't get along with compared to the others
family reunions are can be hell
gossip spreads through your family too quick
you'd rather not be around your family given the choice

Cellular Device
you love having missed alerts <-- what are these?
your phone is a piece of shit
you just got a new phone
you get "good morning" and "good night" texts
you have your ringtones at obnoxiously loud level, always
you have to pay for your own bill
you never go over your amounts [we are unlimited]
your phone only can hold 100 texts in the boxes
you'd rather text than talk on phone
your cell’s about to die [no, but I should get it on the charger overnight]

Making Plans
people usually come over to your house if its matter of chilling at someone’s house
you could be called a "mall rat"
you'd rather chill one on one with someone than in a group
you don't chill with the same people <--I don't know what this means
you suck at making plans (at times)
you just go with the flow with this type shit
you've used means of public transportation to get you somewhere
you've met up with people somewhere to chill

Your Home
you don't really have people in your [house]
your [family isn't] really home a lot
you live in a really rich community
you ... live in an apartment or townhouse
your house is currently having work done to it
you have to share a room with someone

Sexual Experiences
you've had a friends-with-benefits with someone <--this is known in some circles as "marriage"
^ it didn't work out well
you regret your first time
you've made out for more than 5 minutes with someone
you've gone out with a best friend
you've done something sexual in a public place

What Are You Guilty of Doing
sneaking someone into your house
sneaking out of your house being gone for more than a few hours
being so drunk that you don't remember what all happened for the night
cheating on a significant other
making someone who means a lot to you cry
partaking in a drug deal
being under the influence and hooking up with someone you weren't with
going after one of your friends crushes or significant other

your parents [used to] give you their credit cards to go shopping
you have to earn everything you want
you spend [a lot of] money on things related to getting you smoked up or drunk
you waste your money on dumb shit
you're really good at managing and saving money
you use your money to be able to go places with your friends

About You
you're insecure about some part[s] of your body
you require some amount of alone time
you'd rather be surrounded by a lot of people
you're really shy
you've had a lot of boyfriends
you're constantly changing your look
you're tiny (referring to your height and weight)
you have a lot of different laughs
you have a bad temper
you're not afraid to say how you feel
you have a reputation to be a bitch

Your Style
most of what you wear is from Hollister <--I have never owned anything purchased there
you wear Victoria's Secret
you hate unintentionally matching [people], because that shirt you just got every other [person] thought it was a good purchase too
you don't really give a fuck about what you look like as long as you’re comfortable
you have a lottt of clothes in your closet
you don't have a need for designer labels, you can find stuff you like at walmart
you often get compliments on your clothes
you mainly only shop at one store when it comes to shopping


Is there anything your last ex said that you still constantly think of? What is it? Nope. My memories no longer go back that far.

How do you ease anxiety? Breathe. Distract myself.

Do you know anyone who enjoys getting mosquito bites? Um, no.

Do you think TLC has too many shows about big families and midgets? I haven't watched anything on TLC in years. No clue what's going on there.

Do you ever hang out with other people outside of your group of friends? Does this count meetings and conferences? If so, then yes.

When was the last time you had a Jolly Rancher? About two weeks ago.

Do you know anyone whose birthday is in August? Two of my sisters got married this month, and four relatives and three friends have birthdays this month. It's a goofy-busy month.

Do you have a headache right now? Amazingly, no!

Do you pretend to be scared of thunderstorms to get attention? Nope. Please.

Does the sound of crunchy [food] bother you? Not particularly, unless I'm hungry and whoever is crunching isn't sharing.

How often do you get heartburn? Probably weekly.

Have you ever experienced contagious yawning? All the time!

Have you ever rode in a topless car? Yes.

If the world were to end tomorrow, who would you fuck? Well, yeah, I would.

Using the pull-out method can't get you pregnant; true or false? Well, I can't. Your mileage may--probably will--vary.


What caused you to be angry last? I'm beyond pissed at the parents of a friend of mine. Technically, the friend's mom is also a friend, and I want to punch her in the head.

Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? I think this might be the only way Beast would be on board with me getting married.

Don't you hate it when a survey repeats a question? Well, it's irritating, yeah.

Where's your favorite coffee shop? I don't drink coffee, so ... wevs.

Have you ever drank a JetTea? Nope.

What's your opinion on cinnamon rolls? Homemade=YUMM! And they must be frosted.

Do you enjoy baking, or even cooking in general? I don't mind it once I'm going, but I really hate planning and shopping.

Is it just me or cartoons getting dumber? It's just you, getting dumber.

Have you ever taken a bath with someone? Yup.

What's your grandma's name? Both my grandmothers had names starting with the letter 'E'.

When was the last time you had ice cream? Saturday.

Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? Yup, or he'd've left many years ago.

Where is your biological father right now? Dead.

Do you have any freckles? Loads.

Do you like orange juice? Not overly much. Too much as a child, too large a percentage of which was starting to turn.

Who did you last eat at a sit-down restaurant with? Beast and I had lunch at Panera today.

How many bedrooms are there in your house? Three.

Have you ever tried to find friends from elementary school online? Yes, and I have hooked up with a few of them with whom I went on to upper grades.

What kind of home do you hope to have when you're older? This one works for me.

Do you call it a buggy or a cart? Shopping? Usually a cart. Occasionally a trolley.

Did you watch the Cosby Show when you were younger? I did!

How often do you check your e-mail? It's always open. Well, Gmail is; my work email is also open all day when I'm at work.

What color do you think best describes your personality? Stripes.

Have you ever built a sandcastle? Not really.

Would you rather live in a world like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Neither. This one is plenty weird enough, thanks.

Do you enjoy doing crafts? Meh, sometimes.

When was the last time you rented a movie? I have had one out from the 'brary for two weeks now, unwatched. I suck.

If you could be any videogame character, who would you be? I would be a Sim, of course.

finished 8/12/13 9:41 p.m.

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