Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
I'm a Believer

1) This song is about a guy who fell in love when he saw her face. Do you believe in love at first sight?
This question is always difficult for me. I don't believe in romantic love at first sight, though I definitely think there is immediate attraction between certain people. I do believe in love at first sight of a child, however.
2) "I'm a Believer" is the best-selling Monkees song. Can you name another?
"Day Dream Believer" is the first one that popped into my head, followed very quickly by the theme song from the show. I used to know a guy who, in spite of a being a big music buff, chose The Monkees as his favorite band ever. Weird.
3) On their TV show, the boys competed for the same girl. Have you and a friend ever been romantic rivals?
Yup. This is a Very Bad Idea. The stupid part was that the guy in question was really only interested in small blondes, and neither of us girls qualified in any way. Oh, well, we're all still friends...or are friends again.
4) In another episode, the Monkees visited the circus. If you were confident there was a good strong net beneath you, would you walk across the high wire?
Sure. It actually sounds fun, as long as I don't have to wear the stupid costumes. OK, to be honest, I'd kind of rather do the trapeze all things being equal.
5) The Monkees show originally aired on Monday nights. Do you have a favorite day of the week?
I do like Mondays. And Sundays.
6) Davy Jones guest starred on an episode of "The Brady Bunch." The plot revolved around Marcia's efforts to get him to perform at the prom. Share one of your memories from a school dance.
I didn't attend any school dances in high school. I went to a couple in junior high, but none after 8th grade.
7) At the height of their popularity, the Monkees' faces and logo appeared on a lot of merchandise, including lunch boxes. Which would you rather have for lunch -- chicken salad, tuna salad or egg salad?
I'd like my mom's ham salad, actually. But I think it's possible I might have had a Monkee's lunchbox...!
8) You have an afternoon all to yourself. Would you rather spend it at the mall, checking out what's new in the stores and people watching, or walking through the forest, observing the birds and trees and leaves?
I'd hit the mall with Amy. It's been awhile since we did one of our mall-crawls. 'Course, if it weren't allergy season, we could go for a hike. If I were spending the afternoon alone, I'd rather stay home and read and/or nap.
9) Do you have a good memory for names?
If I've seen them written down, I'm usually pretty good at remembering the names. Matching them to the faces to which they belong is a whole other kettle of fish, however.

3 sweet-talkers :

The Gal Herself said...

You actually had a Monkees lunchbox? That's very cool!

Bud Fisher said...

How could you like Mondays? Wow. You either start work on Tuesdays or are nuts. ;)

Cat. said...

Let's go with the latter, since I've worked on Mondays for a couple of years now.

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