Saturday, August 3, 2013

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six
For all of these questions, assume you've just won a lottery and you now have $20 million in your bank account (and that's after taxes)!

1. Which charity or organization would receive the first donation you make?
Probably the PCUSA, although perhaps Habitat or Heifer Project would be first. Those are the triumvirate.
2. Which bill would you be most likely to pay off first?
The house. It's the only big bill we really have.
3. What practical, needed thing that you haven't had the money to buy would you purchase first?
I don't think there's anything we really need, but it would be great to hire a cook.
4. What completely impractical, but fun, product would you purchase first?
Oh, hell, I don't know.... I don't tend to go for impractical stuff. Maybe a hot tub/jacuzzi?
5. Where is the first place you'd be likely to travel?
Australia and New Zealand.
6. How far from your current home would you be most likely to relocate, if you'd relocate at all?
I would love to own a small house in the mountains of Colorado. I'm not sure I'm ready to pull up stakes and move there permanently, but a getaway would be nice.

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