Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Vol. 133

1. Picture postcards were first printed back in the mid-1800's and deltiology is the official name for postcard collecting. When did you last send a postcard? Receive one? Do you save postcards sent to you? Do you collect and/or send postcards when you travel?
I send one to work whenever I go on vacation for more than few days. Otherwise, I buy them when I can't take good photos of things, and I only save the ones sent to me that I like.
2. What treat do you most like to indulge in while on vacation?
Realistically--since I don't have alcohol in the house anymore--it's mostly booze that I appreciate.
3. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Sometimes. But not always, or often.
4. Does your town/city/county still deliver telephone books to your home? Do you check the yellow pages when searching for a local business number or has the internet replaced the phone book in your home?
We just got a new one a couple of weeks ago, and it's already been used. I didn't look in it, Beast did; I usually use the internet.
5. Would you rather be first or last?
Depends. Ice cream : first! Innoculations : last!
6. July is National Park and Recreation Month (in America, but everyone can still play along)...where and when were you last in a park? Did you participate in any recreational activities while you were there?
I don't remember the last park I was in. It may have been overseas, in fact.
7. What was one of your worst ideas?
I have so many it's hard to pick the worst. I can't think of anything really stupid of recent vintage that I'm willing to go into here. Suffice to say I often have a really big mouth.
8. Insert your own random thought here. many things I should do tonight, but I think the most important thing is for me to get 8 hours of sleep tonight. My eyes are really fubar and I haven't sleep for shit all week.

1 sweet-talkers :

Joyce said...

Innoculations-last! Yes...maybe you'll get lucky and they'll run out : ) Sleep well!

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