Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

(Link in meme-roll)

1. What's something people might ask you for help with?
I just had the following exchange on Facebook:
Roger : Attention [high school alumni]! A question for you please. I seem to remember that in 1980 our class made a TIME CAPSULE, but I do not remember where it was buried. I think in was somewhere near the WEST edge of the football field very near the concrete wall close to the [gym], at the south end of the really tall wall. Do any of you remember this as well? I am hoping that 1. I am not hallucinating this (with due cause), and 2. if there was a time capsule that someone remembers it and where it is located. With all the demolition and new construction at [the school] it would be a shame if the capsule were lost or destroyed. Do any of you recall this?

Julie : I do not...

[me] : This rings a faint bell, but I'm pretty sure I never knew where it would be buried...prob b/c I'm not in your class.
Anything in your yearbook? Who was your class president, Head Girl/Boy? They would've been involved, surely, and may remember...?

[me] : Another option is for someone to hit the [Hometown] Library and look at the old papers to see if this was mentioned. That's a big time-suck, but I can't find anything on the [library] website to search online.

Roger : Smart [Cat.] :) SMART :) Thanks. Hopefully they will read this posting thread.

[me] : Ah shucks. I'm a librarian: it's what I do. ;)

Roger : Librarians are COOL. They have super investigative POWERS! ;-)
2. What's something you might ask someone else for help with?
Cooking, cleaning, gardening, shopping...
3. Did your family take summer vacations when you were a child? If so, where did you go? If you're a parent, did/do you plan summer vacations with your own family? Did/do they resemble those you took as a child?
When I was a wee thing, we mostly went to my sister's in Wyoming, or up into the mountains on day trips, or to my other sister's in Wisconsin, or to my OTHER sister's college campus. When I was about 10 my parents purchased a small building in the mountains and we went there most of the time after that for vacations. My vacations have indeed gotten more like my parents'. When Sparky was little we did try to go somewhere for a couple of weeks every summer: WDW, England (the OTHER sister lived there), a nearby resort town where we rented a house with another family....
4. Pool-lake-ocean...which one is most appealing to you on a hot summer day?
INSIDE. Or the mountains. Why is that never an option on this question??
5. Have you ever justified using the expression, 'you gotta be cruel to be kind'? Was it really necessary or were you rationalizing?
I wouldn't say "cruel" but there is a certain level of firmness that is necessary in raising a child. Or training a dog. Or being disciplined about anything, really.
6. The Journal of Psychology recently mentioned the results of a survey identifying the ten most hated foods as: liver, lima beans, mayonnaise, mushrooms, eggs, okra, beets, Brussels sprouts, tuna, and gelatin. Of those foods, how many do you actually hate? Anything you'd add to the list?
The only ones I really can't gag down are liver and okra. Of the rest, I'm not a fan of Brussels sprouts or lima beans, but I like all the others.
7. What's your favorite book or movie set in a beach or lake town?
The only thing that comes to mind is Summer of '42. I'm sure I've read something since then--in fact, I really KNOW that I have--but I can't remember titles.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I really hope the part for the a/c comes tomorrow and Beast can get it fixed. I'm not enjoying the nights without dehumidification (it's only off when we're asleep or out of the house).

2 sweet-talkers :

Joyce said...

Ha-you're not the only one who said 'inside' : ) I can't imagine no ac in this humidity. It is so sticky here and there's zero air moving outside. I hope you find your time capsule. Once we hit a certain age a collective brain is needed to figure out a lot of things!

Kwizgiver said...

I've read a couple of beachy books this summer. It's perfect summer reading.

And I hope your ac is fixed soon!

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