Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday 13

Things Starting with I
  1. Imps. This word reminds me of a friend who uses it as a 'handle' online. It's made up of the initials of all the members of her household.
  2. Insipid. There is a lot of this in the world. Mostly it doesn't bother me, but sometimes I just want to scream at Teh Stoopud.
  3. Indexer. One career I briefly considered. I imagine there are still people who specialize in this, but there can't be many now that computers do the actual work. Too bad. It sounds like fun.
  4. Inverness. Possibly one of the prettiest cities in the U.K., especially on warm summer nights.
  5. Iatrogenic. I recently learned the meaning for this word. It's definitely not something you want to hear at the doctor's office, or the hospital. But quite often you will experience iatrogenic reactions to medication. One can hope they are mild.
  6. Idle. I idle away far too much of my time. It's not good.
  7. Insects. There's a 6-year-old boy who visits the library semi-regularly with his mom--an employee--who has made it a habit of coming to visit me to take the plastic bugs out of my desk so he can "scare" the Head of Circ by arranging them on her desk. I need to restock; some of them have disappeared. I'm hoping to last till Halloween.
  8. Icing. The best part of the cake. No contest.
  9. Invalid. Interesting how this can be pronounced two different ways that mean such completely different things. ...or not, I guess... Probably why one of the pronunciations is now considered extremely non-P.C.
  10. Islam. Consider this challenge: make a list of every single thing you 'know' about Islam. Then double check. Probably mostly what you 'know' isn't true, assuming your list even has anything on it.
  11. Intellectual. I think I hang around with too many people with big brains. It may be making me into a snob. I hope not; I fight it.
  12. Island. I would love to own one. Of course, it has to be one with all mod cons, including internet and trash pickup, and a not-too-complicated way to rejoin the world when I'm ready.
  13. Inspire. In the past week, at least two people at work have said that something I did or said inspired them to do something. What? Well, one of them has said over and over that because I stopped coloring my hair she has felt emboldened to do the same. Since she's got me by at least 12 or 13 years, and since she did her own hair-dying, it's only right that she let it grow out. Still, she doesn't know what to do with it now, and that's too bad. [I don't remember what the other 'inspirational' thing was...surely something equally important.]

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