Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Sweet Caroline

1) "Sweet Caroline" has been sung during every Boston Red Sox home game since the 1990s. (Click here to watch Neil Diamond lead the fans in the first game after April's bombing.) Do you know the words well enough to sing along?
I do know all the lyrics--it was played ENDLESSLY on the radio when I was a kid--but I'm not clear on what this song has to do with the Bosox. Wikipedia is no help.
2) Do you have a favorite major league baseball team?
I will cheer for the team for the city where Sparky was born, and the Rockies, if pressed, but I haven't been to a professional game in over a decade.
3) Budweiser is the "official beer of major league baseball." Do you reach for a cold beer on a hot summer day?
Nope. Unless I just need a can to reduce swelling--that's the only reason I'd reach for a beer myself.
4) Every season, more than a million Vienna Beef Hot Dogs are consumed by baseball fans at Chicago's Wrigley Field. When you get a hot dog, what do you put on it?
A tiny bit of ketchup, a big slurp of mustard, and some fresh onions if they're available, unless they have gotten soggy.
5) The odds of a fan in the stands being hit by a baseball are 300,000 to 1. The odds of winning the lottery are (approximately) 1 in 12,000,000. Do you play the lottery?
Nope. But I was hit by a softball in junior high during gym class. Broke my glasses, and got me out of playing the rest of softball 'season' in gym.
6) Though his song has been adopted by faithful Boston Red Sox fans, Neil Diamond was born and raised in New York City. Have you ever visited The Big Apple?
Nope. Someday. Maybe.
7) Baseball players are notoriously superstitious. For example, the Cubs' Matt Garza eats Popeye's fried chicken every day that he pitches. Joltin' Joe DiMaggio touched second base with his foot every time he ran on or off the field. Do you have any superstitions?
Like my fears, all my OCD behavior makes perfect sense. To me. :-D I'm very leery of mentioning the really super-crazy patrons at work by name because whenever I do they seem to show up within the next day or two to wreak mayhem on the staff.
8) A ball signed by Babe Ruth can fetch tens of thousands of dollars at auction. Have you ever asked a celebrity for his/her autograph?
No. Wow, I really am a loser in this meme!
9) Baseball means summer and summer means sun. Are you working on a tan, or do you slather on the sunscreen?
"Baseball means summer"? Not to me... I'm rarely outside in the summer anymore due to allergies. Although so far this summer hasn't been bad. Then again, the corn hasn't pollinated yet, so I've still got a few weeks of relative joy, in spite of being allergic to other stuff outside.

3 sweet-talkers :

The Gal Herself said...

I'm amused that baseball doesn't mean summer to you. I mean, they play in the winter where you live?

The Boston/Sweet Caroline connection is a mystery to me, too. Red Sox fans hate the Yankees and Neil Diamond is from New York. There's no mention of any city in the song. I guess Bostonians just have fun singing it?

Cat. said...

I just don't care a hoot about baseball. Or hockey, truth be told (which IS being played in the summer for God's sake--what is WRONG with these guys?). Or basketball. Or the local footballers, who are the Evil Team that the Packers face every year, twice. Ergo, I'm living in the wrong part of the world. :D

Kwizgiver said...

I completely agree that my OCD-isms make sense to me!

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