(Link in meme-roll)
Thinking about: leaving for Mother's Day Dinner very shortly (can I finish this first??).
Feeling: hungry but content.
Reading: a book on the English language, a mystery (on CD in the car), and a couple of religion-y books that I've been plowing through slowly for awhile.
Listening to: at this moment, I can hear a lawn mower, and fingers on keyboards: mine and Sparky's.
Wondering: about whether Ham and Kate will have a boy or a girl.
Looking forward to: finding out the answer to above, and also the actual permanent arrival of spring (it's barely 50 out right now...brrr)
Missing: my mom and mother-in-law.
Watching: NOTHING! Just this screen.
Eating: I've had a mini-bagel, a handful of mini-rice cakes and about 3 cups of celery today. I'm ready for dinner!!
Making me happy: the fact that my son's home and the sun is shining and I have a (general) plan for the day.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
Happy Mother's Day!
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