(found here)
1. Do you have a cat? Nope, that would be crazy.
2. Does the state you live in start with a C? Nope. No C in sight.
3. Do you have a laptop? It's what I'm on right now.
4. How do you get to school? I drive there every Tuesday morning and shelve books for two hours in the library.
5. What's your favorite sport? To watch: football. To play: bocce.
6. Do you watch the Olympics? Sure.
7. Do you smoke cigarettes? Nope. That would be crazy, too.
8. Are you even allowed to legally smoke cigarettes? I'm clearly older than the person who wrote these questions, so yes.
9. What did you have for dinner last night? Paulie's.
10. What's your favorite thing to do in the pool? Dabble my feet and read and bake.
11. Do you believe that most people pee in the pool? "Most" no. "Some" yes.
12. Have you ever gone camping? {{shudder}} Yes. A few times.
13. Do you have anything that is your favorite color in your room? Three walls of my bedroom are my favorite color.
14. Do you drink a lot of water? Nope. Enough--not a lot.
15. What's your favorite TV show? Pick an cop-alphabet show: CSI, NCIS, NCIS:LA, L&O... Oh, and Criminal Minds.
16. Do you like steak? Sure.
17. Do you have an attic? Uh, yeahhhh? Almost all houses do. Ours isn't finished.
18. How much is the average price to rent an apartment in your area? Looks like a one bedroom runs a minimum of $750.
19. Have you ever used a flea comb? Yes. Yes, I have. {MAJOR {shudder}}
20. Do you like peanut butter? Yup.
21. Do you live in the "country"? Yes I do, though in a "house farm."
22. Did you ever have a babysitter? OF COURSE! Seriously, what a question.
23. What's your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.
24. Are you looking forward to summer? Meh. I could live without the humidity, but I do like warm weather more than winter for sure.
25. Do you own binoculars? Hmm, yeah, though I have no idea where they are.
1.] What age is your youngest aunt? I have no living aunts. The youngest would be close to 90, I expect. My oldest niece is 44.
2.] Do you miss someone right now? Well, it is Mother's Day, so yeah. A bit.
3.] What can you see North West to you?The kitchen. I'm actually facing more-or-less northwest right now.
4.] Do you like bowling? Once in awhile, yes.
5.] Can you pronounce Italian words? Sure. Most people can. Ironically, I was butchering the language this afternoon.
6.] Do you prefer black or beige coloured jackets? Black.
7.] Do you own a hoodie? Yes I do. A couple, even.
8.] Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire? I don't really see the attraction, honestly. Mostly I just like plain chocolate and graham crackers.
9.] Do you like cheesy puffs? Yeah.
10.] What's your name without vowels? Unpronounceable by anyone.
11.] How many layers of clothing are you wearing? Underwear, capris and a T-shirt. So, is that two? Or just one?
12.] When was the last time you got a take away? What did you have? We had pizza delivered last night.
13.] If you could climb any mountain or range which would you choose? duh, the Rockies, duh
14.] Do you alphabetically arrange anything in your room? What? Nope. I do alphabetize the spices in the kitchen though.
15.] Have you ever visited fat-pie [dot] [com]? No, and based on that name I'm not going to.
16.] Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits? Sweet.
17.] Do you like Flo Rida? Which song of his? I don't know any titles, but he's ok.
18.] How are your dancing skills? In my head, they are outstanding. In reality, no one has seen them.
19.] What is your favourite number? 16.
20.] Describe your best friend to me? Awesome and patient and funny as hell.
21.] What is your favourite alcoholic drink? LIIT or V&T.
22.] Do you do any sports or have you done any sport professionally? I played basketball and volleyball in junior high school.
23.] What is your ringtone? I have several based on who is calling.
24.] Do you like chilli flavoured chips/crisps? Fuuu...?! No!
25.] Do you curl or straighten your hair? Not anymore.
26.] What's the nicest smell of shampoo? "CLEAN"
27.] What smell turns you on? How about turns you off? There is no perfume/cologne that turns me on. Too much of ANY scent turns me right off.
28.] Who's your favourite comedian? Tonight, I'll say Eddie Izzard.
29.] RnB or Reggae? Depends on the song, but I'd lean toward reggae.
30.] What brand of batteries do you usually get? Duracell, I think.
31.] Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids? Yes. My niece is due in August, and I just found out my brother's going to be a grandpa for the first time in January! yay
32.] What is in your medicine cabinet? No medicine; that's in the cupboards or not in bathrooms at all.
33.] What's your favourite aspect of the natural world? Clean air and quiet.
34.] What's your favourite man made thing? The internet.
35.] Can you whistle properly? I can whistle musically. Is that "properly"?
36.] What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world? "Happy Birthday"?
37.] Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located? That I've seen? I still think it's weird to think of American fast food chains in China.
38.] What countries surround your country? Or are you not land locked? Canada and Mexico of course. We're pretty close to Russia up there in Alaska, too. Cuba, and several other island nations.
39.] Do you own binoculars or nonoculars? What do you use them for? Haven't we covered this? Yes. Yes, we have.
40.] Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? Nope. I can't get them to work with my glasses.
41.] What's your favourite chocolate bar? Butterfinger. Or Heath.
42.] Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats? I can sleep anywhere.
43.] Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations? Choice one. I can't live without vacations. I hope I get language tutoring.
44.] What will you not tolerate in a person? Physical violence toward me and/or my loved ones.
45.] Do you forgive others easier or yourself? Why is this? I'm pretty easygoing, but I have a fairly long memory.
46.] How was God made, if he exists? I think that's a question one should really never ask anyone, God or otherwise. But it's obviously one you should ask God, not me. I wasn't there, so it would be supposition or hearsay if I were to suggest anything.
47.] Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo? Did aqua aerobics when I was pregnant with Sparky.
48.] What age were you when you learnt how to swim? I haven't yet accomplished this.
49.] What shows or characters scared you as a child? Every-damn-thing scared me when I was little. I'm still pretty much a wimp.
50.] Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am? I sometimes don't even make it to midnight! I'm always in bed by 12:30 though.
51.] What's currently in your fridge? We hit the store today, so we are packed. For a change!
52.] How about your freezer? Ditto. I need to restock the made-ahead meals, though.
53.] What could you be doing now that is more productive? Going to bed.
54.] Give me some lyrics from the song that's stuck in your head? "The sun'll come out tomorrow, betcher bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun."
55.] What's your favourite type of firework? The ones that sort of sprinkle all the way down.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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