Friday, May 24, 2013

Blogthings Explosion

You Are Out of this World Dreamy

Of all the types, you are the most likely to enjoy staring up at the stars. You like to daydream, even at night.

You find the universe beautiful, and you feel lucky whenever you have a starry night when you can see so much of it.

The planet you are most connected to is Jupiter. Your expansive and optimistic mind is a good fit with this planet.

Like Jupiter, you are multifaceted and a big believer in abundance. You don't put limits on your imagination.

When you look into space, you feel calmed and humbled by your small place in the universe. It's a beautiful thing.

You don't necessarily even think of the universe or what's out there... you just like to meditate on the stars in the sky.

Well, this is a lot of bullshit. I'm far from dreamy anymore, and the stars have never been my thing in general.
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You Are a Cherry Croissant

You are an outgoing, friendly, and even sweet person. People are drawn to your personality.

You tend to be happy and easygoing. You are an optimist, and you don't find it difficult to find the sunnier side of life.

You tend to be up on the latest trends, mostly because you enjoy trying new things and experimenting.

You aren't snobby about your trendiness, but you love to introduce your friends to your latest discoveries
and hot spots.

You are creative and discerning. You have great taste, and this carries over to anything that you create.

You have a strong and unique perspective. You are usually one of the first to spot something that's great or worth your time.

Well, ok, this is better. I don't think I have great taste as far as what society thinks, but then again, I don't really care. And I am pretty optimistic and fairly easygoing. Up to a point.
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You Are Somewhat Playful
You believe that there's a time for work and a time for play. And you rarely mix the too.

You aren't a stick in the mud. You like to have fun, but you don't like to goof off when it's time to be serious.

You are rarely the instigator of fun, but you're happy to go along with most amusing plans. You are a good sport.

You think it's important to be able to let go and blow off steam. If not, stress will get to you eventually.

You are open to a lot of new experiences
, and you tend to be one of the easygoing ones in your group of friends.

You are joyful and upbeat. You have the energy required to be a playful person when the time is right.

I have a nasty habit of not being able to separate work from play, and I'm pretty competitive which can mean I end up being a poor sport so some of this isn't true. A lot of it is, though.
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You Are an iPad
You are tech savvy and probably even a little addicted to the internet. You spend a good amount of time online.

You're the type of person who would like to have the internet with you wherever you go, and you don't want to compromise browsing experience.

You are a bit of an introvert. You like the internet for its brain[i]er nature, and you may contribute in your own way.

You likely fancy yourself a writer or producer of some sort. You are driven to create and leave your mark online.

Like most iPad users, you probably think an iPhone is great - but you need a device with more screen space and features.

And since you're a bit of a homebody, you don't mind luggin' your iPad around with you. You're probably just going from room to room.

Aside from the part about this being all about Apple--a company I'm not a fan of--it's pretty accurate.
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Your Birth Color is Red
Above all else, you have a huge amount of energy. You just require less downtime and rest than most people.

You have courage when others lack guts. You are willing to take a risk, especially when you might get all the glory at the end.

You are passionate in all aspects of your life, especially romance. When you find the perfect partner, you don't let anything stand in your way.

You have plenty of passion in love, but you lack extreme infatuation. You seek a more mature, deep love than just a crush or fling offers.

You have a lot of inner strength, and that strength is sparked by your drive.

You are willing to work hard and be tenacious
today in order to harvest the fruits of your labor tomorrow.

Always up for a risk, but I'm not crazy. I can be a hard worker, if motivated properly.
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You Are JOMO
Your personal motto can best be described as JOMO: 'Joy of Missing Out'

You know what makes you happy, and it's the little things. You are content with your life as is.

You follow your own path, and you rarely feel jealous of other people's lives. You may be missing out, and that's fine.

In fact, you care so little about missing out that you may refuse invitations that sound fun just because you're not up to it.

Most everyone should strive to have your Zen attitude. You don't suffer from the chains of desire.

Just make sure you're not getting too complacent. You may have contentment, but you need a little excitement too.

Finally, one that totally fits. Definitely not much here that's way off-base.
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You Don't Get Enough Nature
Nature is fine, but it's not really a priority for you. You enjoy a nice sunny day like anyone else, though!

You don't make time to get outside, and it shows. Whenever possible, you tend to prefer modern climate control.

There is a lot that the indoors has to offer - like comfortable couches and fast internet. Being outside is called 'roughing it' for a reason.

You're a city person, and there's nothing wrong with that. But maybe you get out and smell the grass. Or trees.

You are cultured and quite intellectual. You tend to prefer mental experiences to physical ones.

You can appreciate the beauty of nature
, but you often rather appreciate it through art than real life.

This is very timely, and accurate.
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Your Wisdom is Well Rounded

You are a deep thinker, and you consider every issue carefully. You have the patience to think something through.

You are the most introspective of all types. You have important insights and profound understanding.

You are healthy and prosperous. You credit your ability to turn inward in helping you thrive.

You are both oriented toward the future and the past. You think the future has a lot to offer but that you also can learn from history.

You tend to be very good with money, even though you aren't materialistic. You simply make smart choices.

You rarely give into impulse or whim. If you seem to make a rash decision, it's because you've secretly been thinking about it for a while.

OK, another good fit. I'm not always careful, but pretty often.
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You Should Travel to the Present

You're not unadventurous, you just really dig the present. You'd love to travel around the world as it is right now.

Or even better, you'd like to see the current world on an alternate timeline. Alternate courses of history fascinate you.

You think that there is enough to see in the present if you were able to go anywhere. You don't need to add time travel to the mix.

You'd be happy to be able to jot [sic] off to any corner of the world you feel like visiting ... and that you'd be able to come home just as quickly.

If you had to travel through time, you'd like to do it as quickly as possible. You don't want to be away for long.

Things are going so well for you that you'd like to stay in and savor the present as much as possible.

Yes, I like to travel. Time travel would be fun too, as long as it's 100% safe that I'd come back here.
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You Are a Banana
Like a banana, you are tender-hearted and sensitive. And the more someone gets to know you, the softer and sweeter you are.

You are
loving, gentle, and compassionate. You touch others with your warmth, empathy, and understanding.

You are mild-mannered and find it easy to get along with almost anyone. You help harsher personalities mellow out.

You are vulnerable and sensitive, but you avoid letting others hurt you with your somewhat hardened exterior. You are tough when you need to be.

You value harmony and togetherness. You like to be in a relationship and usually adore your partner.

You don't make waves. If someone annoys or insults you, you rather walk away than cause a scene.

Yeah. The only people this isn't real true about is my family (of birth).
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Your Past is Your Soul's Secret
Most people don't know much about you. You don't share a lot about how you were raised or where you come from.

You believe that the past is the past, and there's no use reopening old wounds or reliving old glories.

You keep your past a secret because you don't think it's relevant. You don't necessarily have anything to hide.

You think it's a bit self-absorbed to tell everyone your life story. If you're asked, you give people a very abridged version of events.

If your past was less of a secret, you might be surprised how quickly you bond with people. You may have more in common with those around you than you realize.

You don't have to bear [sic] your soul or spill your guts to give people more context about where you come from and who you are. They probably want to know more about you!

Well this couldn't be wrong-er. In case you hadn't noticed I talk endlessly about myself. Sure, there are some dead zones, but not all that many. Not after 9 years of blogging!! :-)

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