Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow

1) Do you ever fantasize about flying, beyond the rainbow or anywhere else?
I never really understood this song, much as I like it. As a child it seemed sort of like setting one's sights too low.
Anyway, to answer the question, I used to want to get a pilot's license, but I'm pretty much over that. I would like to go up in a balloon.
2) Do you think you have seen The Wizard of Oz more than 10 times?
I've seen different incarnations of it (TV and on various stages) at least that many times.
3) Which Wizard of Oz character would you most like to dress as for Halloween?
I don't dress up anymore, and I probably would ONLY go as the lion or Dorothy or Toto. All that makeup for the other characters...!
4) What will Trick or Treaters get when they come to your front door?
I haven't bought candy yet. They'll get whatever is on sale tomorrow.
5) Did you ever TP a neighbor's house or indulge in other acts of Halloween vandalism as a kid? (Don't worry, that statute of limitations is up.)
Nope. I was a very good (not to mention shy and quiet) kid.
6) Who annoys you more -- people who never respond to your texts/emails, or those who never look up because they're always checking their texts/emails?
The latter. I'm actually kinda used to Sparky not answer my emails (though he does respond to texting. Usually).
7) Who was the last person you hugged?
Beast, when he got home from his trip today.
8) What two colors do you like to wear together?
Blue and white. Which is my high school colors, oddly (or not). I wear a lot of brown, too.
9) Did your alarm clock wake you up this fine Saturday morning?
Actually, yes. I have to be at work at 9. Yuck.

8 sweet-talkers :

The Gal Herself said...

I'm sorry you have to work today. :(

katie eggeman said...

I was too tame a kid to do pranks at Halloween, I always thought it was rude. I wouldn't have minded to prank the person who always gave apples.

Paula said...

Ah so sorry that you have to work today. Happy Halloween

Kwizgiver said...

The only time I ever TPd a house, it was not for Halloween.

I am Harriet said...

Some people have said that the song has something to do with drugs. Who knows...

Have a great rest of your Saturday!

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

I was afraid to TP my dad would have tanned my hide bad.

Have a great weekend!

amy said...

I was reluctant to read your answer to #6 because either way, it could be me. :( Thanks for not throwing me under the bus.

Anytime you want to dress as Toto, I'll be your Dorothy.

Cat. said...

Sparky is much easier to shove off the curb.


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