Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
The Better Late Than Never Meme

1. Are you always on time or just a tad late?
I try to be on time or a little early. I no longer wig completely out if I'm late, though. Life is too short; I just learn to factor things in to avoid it in the future.
2. Is there someone in your life that irritates you regularly about not being on time?
I have a couple of friends who seem to have a different sense of time than me. If they're good enough friends, I will adjust myself. If I don't know someone who runs late, though, I do tend to get crabby.
3. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?
No, see, that's why I don't stress out anymore. No one has ever died because I was late for something.
4. Do prompt perky people irritate you? (oh, that was a Freudian blog slip)
Nope. I appreciate prompt perky people, because there are so many people who are None of the Above.
5. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?
There's no way I could get to work in five minutes anyway, so ... sure.
6. Have you ever had to actually punch a time clock?
Yup. PsychoBoss made us do that for the final 3 or 4 years I was there. Crazy bitch. I think I had to do that at some of my temp jobs, too.
7. What is your standard "excuse" when you are tardy?
I just usually apologize and move ahead.

1 sweet-talkers :

Mimi Lenox said...

I see you have no tardy issues. You are the rule to the exception.

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