Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday 9 (x 5)

(Link in meme-roll)
Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?

1. Do you ever have trouble making up your mind?
Well....sometimes. But not always. Uhm, yeah. Well, no, actually... OK. Yes. Definitively. (maybe)
No lie: this really is how I think some days!
2. Do you think you always learn from your mistakes?
I try. Oh, how I try to. But some habits are exceedingly hard to break, and honestly there are some things I seem to only learn once I've gotten burned.
3. Have you ever felt that you were either older or younger, for your age during a particular time?
I've almost always felt older than my age around my peers, like all the way through school! And then again, I almost always feel like a child around my siblings, mostly because (according to Beast) they tend to treat me that way.
4. Have you had trouble losing weight?
You mean like this diet that I'm on where I keep GAINING weight? Yeah. That.
5. Who's the most "wholesome" rock artist that you like?
Uh...? This is not how I base my "like" but I guess, maybe...of the mainstream musicians, Darius Rucker? Maybe Nicole Mullen, or TobyMac if I can add in the Christian rockers.
6. Do you like to party or are you more of a homebody?
I am one major homebody. I don't mind parties once in awhile, but they really tire me out.
7. Do you feel the need to share your burdens?
I...was going to say something sexist here, but I'll refrain and just answer the question: yes. I'm slowly getting better about needing to involve every communication method and person I know.
8. Do you know the lady next door? (yes, you can pick either side.)
I know, at least by sight, all of our immediate neighbors on every side, but I'm honestly not sure if the woman in the house closest to ours ever leaves the house. Certainly not when I'm around anyway.
9. Do you ever feel inferior?
On a semi-regular basis. For instance, whenever someone asks me at work to help them download a library ebook onto their Kindle. I am no technophobe, but I canNOT figure this shit out!
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Just Like a Pill

1. What was the last pill your doctor prescribed? Why?
I'm now the proud owner of a prescription for Zyrtec-D, as of a couple of weeks ago. I no longer have to register and provide ID to buy something that I am NOT GOING TO USE TO MAKE METH! I'm going to swallow the pills so that I don't DIE! Tweakers have a lot to answer to me for, lemme tell ya.
2. How well do you swim?
I swim like a fuckin' rock, if rocks could flail and scream as they get tossed towards water.
3. Who has a big mouth that you like?
This made me snort. Most everyone in my family has a big mouth (i.e., talks too much) and I like them, usually. In the wide world, I like women who speak their minds, having thought things through: Hillary Clinton, Conde Rice, Gloria Steinem, Rachel Maddow...I don't have to agree with them, but they have to have a brain in use and functional. This, of course, eliminates Sarah Palin, Nancy, Grace, Michelle Bachman, and Ann Coulter.
4. Do you believe in political correctness?
I believe there are reasons for changing the nomenclature in some cases because the subtext has become overwhelming and drowns out rational discussion. So, yes 30 years ago, "retarded" was an improvement over "idiot" and "moron", but today it's way more appropriate to say "learning disabled." Of course, it can go to far: a trash hauler is a trash hauler until you can prove to me that s/he's actually doing something that really involves sanitation or engineering!
5. Do you ever patronize people?
Yes, dear, I do.
6. Do you or someone you know strive constantly to be perfect?
Yes, though some of us have less work to do on achieving perfection than others.
7. What song are you totally sick of and why?
8. How old were you when you got cocky? Or did you never go there?
I am pretty damn sure that I've never been seriously cocky in my life! I fake it for comic relief occasionally (see last-but-one question), but every time I've edged towards "knowing I know everything" I land flat on my ass with egg on my face.
9. When you compete with someone, have you ever gotten hostile?
I usually do. I am (ahem) overly competitive. It's not pretty.
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Whatever Gets You Thru the Night

1. What helps you get through the night?
At this point, I have no idea. Usually it's a combination of Tylenol PM or Benadryl before getting into bed, a couple hours of sleep, another couple hours of crosswords and/or reading, more sleep, maybe another period of awake.... This has been going on for WEEKS and I'm pretty damn pissed about it.
2. Do you ALWAYS keep an open mind?
Nope. I'm pretty close-minded about lazy punks and entitled asswipes.
3. Who is the wisest person you know?
Sparky, surprisingly, has had some moments of deep wisdom this summer (along with some pretty incredible stupidity, of course--he's 19 after all!). Otherwise, maybe one of the many Sues in my life.
4. Who is the strongest person you know?
Physically, probably Larry or Chris. Personality-wise, probably Trud.
5. How would we tell by your behavior if you are having a bad day?
Well, the swearing might give it away. Or the stomping. Or, if things have really hit bottom, the tears.
6. Does your ego sometimes get in your way?
Of course it does. Isn't that its job??
7. Do you believe in Zen? If yes, can it be mastered?
Do I believe in Zen? Well, it does seem to make sense and really work for some people, so I believe that THEY believe. Since some of those people are pretty smart, by extension I guess I have to believe in it. I could sure use some of its calming properties at times, when I'm having trouble accessing God.
8. Do you believe you could teach someone, like your child, to be competitive?
Of course. In fact...y'know what: I have!!
9. Do you believe home is not a place but rather a state of mind?
Yes. This is really weird: I was just listening to one of my favorite songs today, and there's a line in it that goes like this: "Home is just another word for you." I believe that. I also believe that the you is eminently mutable; it doesn't always have to be the same person.
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Don't Talk to Strangers

1. Has talking to a stranger ever caused you a problem?
Oh hellz yeah. This is what makes the reference desk so interesting...and terrifying.
2. Have you ever gloated or wanted to brag over success?
Yes. See "hubris," and falling on my ass above.
3. What do enjoy most about your life?
Being able to complete things at work, and working with smart people who think (more or less) like me. Problem-solving. Right now, the weather is astounding! My house remains awesome, as does my son. I really have a very good life, and I'm very grateful for that.
4. Do you ever over-think a situation in your life?
I'm sure I do. But I'm more likely to flat-out obsess over situations, worry about them, rather than think about them.
5. Tell us about your best friend.
I did, here. Well, that's one of my best friends, anyway.
6. How important is intelligence when picking (or having picked) a mate to you?
Crucial. Lack-of is a complete deal-breaker. I couldn't live with someone who can keep me on my toes!
7. What's the closest situation that you've had to dealing with an enemy?
Junior . High . School [all of us girls know what I mean--maybe some guys too]
8. What was the circumstance that led to your most recent utterance of aha!?
I don't know that I verbalized it, but there have been a couple of spotlight moments at Dr. Jim's the last couple of weeks.
9. Have you ever tried getting even?
Yes. It doesn't work, and it almost always takes way more time than it's worth.

4 sweet-talkers :

katie eggeman said...

I forgot about my 7th grade enemies. That was probably the last time I had enemies.

Kwizgiver said...

I miss your meme-ing.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Welcome back. I laughed all gthe way through, but the first response the "make up your mind question" was perfect...

Cat. said...

Hope I'm back to stay. We'll see. Been a little crazy round here....

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