Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Imaginary Meme, Parts Four & Five

61. Ocean or pool?
I can't swim, so if there's a big deal to be made over the presence of water, I'd prefer it be 'natural' water.
62. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays?
The nearest Ruby's is easily 35-40 minutes away; Fridays is "merely" 25 minutes from us. However, we are getting a Panera in town; w00t!!
63. Did you want to go to college?
I could not wait to get to college! I started planning on it seriously in 7th grade. "Get me the fuck OUTTA here!!"
64. What did you [do] last time at a mall?
I'm not sure how to answer this. I haven't been to a mall in well over a year, as far as I can remember. That was probably with Amy, which meant talking, wandering, ignoring the guys who wanted us to try out their massage chairs or hyperbaric chambers or whatever, giggling, and yeah, I guess we bought some stuff too.
65. Which close friend have you known the longest?
L. (since I was 5), though she's in Colorado and I'm ... not anymore. B. since freshman year in high school. J. & S. since the first week of freshman year of college. Beast from later that year. And Amy since 2003ish. There are others, but those are the biggest guns.
66. Why do you like the music you do?
"Good beat, easy to dance to." Lyrics? Meh, they're overrated.
67. Do you read much?
Not as much as I should.
68. Favorite country?
I love the U.S. But visiting Canada, the U.K., Italy, Greece, Mexico, and parts of Russia...sigh. I sorta do get homesick for those places I've visited and loved.
69. What is something you wish you were better at?
Remembering things.
70. What’s your favorite album/CD?
There are several of Melissa Etheridge's that I could listen to on repeat most of a day.
71. What's a good dinner order?
I suspect that if you order ANYthing from me, you'll be liable to get egged in a very non-edible sense.
72. Planes or boats?
Automobiles? I think the answer to this question is wholly dependent on where/how far I'm going.
73. One rumor that’s been spread about you:
"Don't make her angry. You wouldn't like her when she's angry." This is not an untrue rumor....
74. Who is your newest friend?
Hmmm, I'm not sure. On Facebook, I think it's the oldest son of our current pastor, whom I don't actually know very well. IRL, I guess maybe Sue at church, the 'newest' Sue. Church seems to be filled with Sues, so it matters which one. ;-)
75. Have you ever sat on a rooftop?
Yes. Yes I have. Not for MANY years now, but I have done so.
76. Was your last text useful?
Probably not. I haven't texted today, since I never picked up my phone off the nightstand after getting up this morning. Probably yesterday's last text was something like, "On my way home; cya soon."
77. Favorite soda?
Diet Dr. Pepper, though I call it "pop." Speaking of which, can someone just try to explain this whole "Dr. Pepper Ten" thing to me? Diet Dr. Pepper with 10 calories added back in, and marketed just to men? WTF??!
78. Do you like yourself?
There are days...and then there are other days....
79. The worst weather: Hot or cold?
I'm coming around to preferring cooler weather. I just cannot sleep in warm weather and I generally feel sort of sticky/dirty all the time when it's hot out. As my sister told me nearly 40 years ago, at least when it's cold you can add another layer....
80. Do you play an instrument?
We've covered this elsewhere: flute, some piano, handbells. Kazoo. Owl-hooting hands. I think that's probably all I'm willing to admit to.
81. What’s your favorite action movie?
I do like the Lethal Weapon movies. Die Hard 1 and 2 were good. And the Matrix trilogy.
82. Have (or are) you ever been involved someone much older than you?
Well, only to the extent that they're part of my family. Beast is actually (very) slightly younger than me.
83. Do you believe in lust at first sight?
Of course I do.
84. Favorite type of venomous snake?
OK, props for a brand-new question!! But, "favorite" venomous snake?? I don't really like any venomous snakes on principle.
85. Do you drink alcohol?
Only ethanol, and only good stuff. I sneer at the cheap shit, in general, at this point. If I'm going to drink, which I do rarely, I'm drinking quality.
86. If you wanted to talk to someone who'd lift your spirits, who'd you call?
Rachel. Or Liz. Or Beth. All three work with me.
87. What do you wear to feel sexy?
This is not a feeling I find myself looking for regularly. At all, in fact. So...I probably don't.
88. Do you like to learn?
It's my most favorite thing!!
89. Have you ever been hit on by someone who really overestimated their attractiveness?
Most men seem to be entirely clueless about their overall lack of good points in this area. I have no idea what the deal is here, but yeah, guys, you're just not all that and a bag of chips. [I'd probably go for the chips.]
90. Where did you last go on vacation?
Hmm. I guess the last vacation was our trip to Colorado last July while Sparky was in Germany.
91. Dallas (as in J.R. & Bobby) returns this week. What film or TV series would you loved to be resurrected?
It would be quite weird to see someone try Gilligan's Island, but I wouldn't watch it. My sitcom days are behind me.
92. Explain your karma beliefs.
Don't really believe in karma as such, but I do believe that what you get out of life is in pretty close approximation to what you put into it. If you are a sinkhole of negativity, chances are good that you're going to get handed a lot of that back, or at least you're going to perceive that's what life is about. Doesn't mean that I think bad things ONLY happen to bad people--that's just not true--but it does mean that one's ability to handle bad things is part of knowing how to deal with whatever life throws at you. ... And I think I just completely confused myself!
93. When do you think that you have a hard life?
I don't. Not very often. I try very hard not to dwell on the depressing things that have happened, because really, what's the point of doing that?
94. Favorite comic strip?
Still "Bloom County."
95. Have you ever broken a heart?
I've torn a few, by accident, no doubt.
96. Should pot be legalized?
Yes. YES! A thousand-million times YES!
97. Have you ever gone skinny dipping with someone that you shouldn't have?
I've never gone skinny dipping PERIOD.
98. What do you do when you're down?
Work on my bouncing skills. [actually, I do a lot of crying and beating myself up over things]
99. Last time you were really angry?
Just about exactly 8 days ago I was as angry as I've been in the past, oh, 2-3 years, if not longer. I could say as angry as I've EVER been, but that seems to be a stretch, but I was well past annoyed for sure!
100. What is your favorite flavor in general?
Mint. Plain mint; no chocolate, no vanilla, nothing cute, just mint.

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