(Link in meme-roll)
The OC 25 Meme
1. What is your origin of your first name? What about any nicknames? My sisters named me after a friend. We all have names that are difficult to shorten (mine's the easiest), and my parents did not countenance nicknames.
2. Have you any claims to fame? Absolutely none.
3. If you were famous, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you? I wouldn't be famous for a million dollars.
4. Which of your country's achievements do you hold in highest regard? I love that people still expect to U.S. to support the Little Guy. I know from the inside, and from some outsiders, we have a lot of mud on our face, but people still do love the idea of "the land of the free" at least.
5. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Older.
6. What was your most prized possession as a child? Do you still have it? Depends on what age. I no longer have my Barbie, but I did eventually get my Laura books back (they were 'donated' to my oldest nieces without my approval when I was about 13). I don't have Snake anymore, but I have most of the posters (from Tiger Beat & Teen Beat) that graced my walls as a teen.
7. What would you change about yourself, if you could? I would have more focus.
8. What are you obsessed with? RDA, which is just annoying.
9. What is your greatest achievement so far, or the high point of your career? (oops, missed this one) My greatest achievement is not ruining my son; he's turning out to be a pretty cool guy. Career-wise, I have no idea--this is not my goal at work, I guess.
10. When/where were you happiest? The summer of 1975 was absolutely wonderful. I stayed with my sister and her family for 5 weeks while my parents went overseas to see another sister. I didn't really have to answer to Ellen the way I did to my mom--not that she was permissive, but it was just more laid back.
11. And the lowest point in your life thus far? This past year has pretty much sucked since we got back from Italy and England last April. Two family funerals, 3 overnight stays at the hospital for Beast, plus a couple more where he was only in the ER briefly. I had my own ER visit last April too. Sparky heading to college without any real focus on my part. Work has been one low-morale day after another for the whole staff. I haven't felt connected to my real life for over a year.
12. What was the best decision you ever made? Getting married to Beast, and having a baby with him.
13. If you have any body modifications, which was most painful, or which do you regret the most? If you haven't got any, do you have any planned, or would you ever consider getting any? The only body modifications I've had have not been planned ahead, although you could argue that childbirth was a choice I made. I have pierced ears which were no big deal. I had braces--they were not fun. I've had surgery: that totally sucked.
14. What is the most idiotic thing you have ever done while intoxicated? Having "one more."
15. What is your favorite joke? Three dancers walk into a bar...
16. What is the coolest/most impressive thing you own? Hmm. I don't know. I don't really buy things to impress people. I like most everything in my house, I like my car.... Meh.
17. When did you last cry, and why? I teared up during the worship service this morning. I actually cried at the end of Tenebrae after holding it together for the whole of the service...till Amazing Grace started playing.
18. What's the best piece of advice you've ever had? "Don't pick up snakes."
19. Similarly, what's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you? Listening. And telling me things I don't know about myself.
20. Have you any vices? Nothing that doesn't involve sugar.
21. Do you regret anything? Only about everything. I try, and mostly succeed, not to dwell on it.
22. What is the best invention ever? Central heat and A/C.
23. How would you describe your relationship with your family? Distant (my birth family). Male-based (my household).
24. Who is your biggest inspiration? Smart people's words.
25. What are you going to do when you've finished Sunday Stealing? Take off my socks--my feet are hot--and go get some jelly beans from the kitchen.
Sunday night
5 years ago
2 sweet-talkers :
Bare feet and jellie beans...
You live the high life!
Oh, you know it!
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