Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
That's Why God Made The Radio

1. The Beach Boys are back together (everyone alive--Dennis and Carl have passed-- including Brian) for the first time in 25 years. It's their 50th Anniversary tour. Their new single is called, "That's Why God made the Radio." Did radio play a huge part of your growing up years?
ABSOLUTELY! It was on--my crappy clock radio, c. 1975--virtually all the time I was in my room. Eventually I inherited my brother's stereo (approx. 1979, it was at least 5 years old) and listened to slightly better-quality sounds at that point. But all about the radio: Casey Kasem, Dr. Demento, the local oldies station (old-time radio shows, a la "The Shadow" and music from that era)....yeah. Sigh. Radio nowadays just sucks.
2. What is something that you are disappointed about right now?
I'm disappointed in the weather. It's too cold to be almost-May.
3. What are you really anticipating right now?
Beast's surgery. We both just want it over with in hopes that the pain and numbness/tingling of the legs goes away.
4. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie? What is it?
I haven't watched "Heathers" in years. I'm kind of afraid I might not like it anymore, it's been so long.
5. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
Nope, not likely: too many conditions that I'd want in the whole process.
6. Who was the last person you hung up on?
I don't hang up on people. I might set the phone down and walk away, and I might not pick it up to start with, but I don't hang up first.
7. Does it bother you when meme makers separate questions that could've been combined?
Meh. That's the least of my worries in the meme-verse.
8. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
We usually stop by the penguins and then the apes and monkeys. I'd prefer to see the wolves first, but they aren't by the entrance.
9. What is the food you always buy at the grocery store that you can't live without?
Is Dr. Pepper a food? If not, then bread and/or bagels. Or possibly cheese. My grocery list ALWAYS has those three things on it, regardless of what else is needed.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I don't hang up on people I know, just on robo calls. Machines don't have feelings.

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