Saturday, April 28, 2012

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. Do you believe that non-medical marijuana should be legalized?
Yes, absolutely.
2. Do you believe that medical marijuana should be legalized?
Well, by the definition cited above, yes.
3. Have you ever spent time around anyone whom you know had smoked marijuana? Did you notice any significant changes in their personality?
Yes, I did spend time around tokers, both in high school and college. Honestly, they were just way calmer and a little slower on the uptake after smoking. Otherwise, no big difference. Though, to be fair, the one guy that springs to mind from college days was stone so often that I'm not actually sure I ever saw him "normal."
4. Should someone found to be growing marijuana face as stiff a legal penalty as someone producing crystal meth? Why or why not?
Uh, yeah, that would be NO. Our drug laws are stupid.
5. Should someone found to be driving under the influence of marijuana face the same legal penalty as someone driving under the influence of alcohol? Why or why not?
Honestly, I haven't done a lot of research to see whether that would be as dangerous. I suppose so, but I'd rather share the road with someone smoking a doobie than someone texting or arguing with their spouse.
6. Some have claimed over the years that marijuana is a “victimless crime.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
It is NOT currently a victimless crime--because we are so mental about punishing people who use it, grow it, distribute it, etc. But in the sense of it being pointless to try to suppress it, then yes. I'd really rather get the income from legalizing and taxing it than continue to enforce the lame-o laws on the books.
By the way, I have no stated interest in this really, not being a big rule-breaker, and knowing that as a youth sponsor I was supposed to be above reproach. Hah. Well, at least I stayed out of jail. ;-) And didn't smoke ANYthing, tempting as it was at times.

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