Saturday, April 7, 2012

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday 6

1. How did you come up with the name of your primary blog?
The original first blog is my initials which are, ironically enough, the acronym of a professional organization in my field. It gave/gives me great pleasure to have snagged it before they could. The next one was named after an 80s song I like and then changed to a different 80s song I like, and in between this one popped up as a riff on one of those 80s songs. I have about 12 others which are equally difficulty to trace (hah).
2. List the links of all of the blogs you currently write.
The ones I'm willing to publicize are:
  • [which hasn't been updated for almost 3 years]
  • My reading blog uses a different login but you can access it from the second blog listed above.
  • I have refgrunt (similar to this one), and while it's not hidden and it's not hard to figure out the URL, I'm not posting the link here.
3. Have you ever been dared to do something completely outrageous, and did you actually accept the dare? (You don’t have to specify what the dare was unless you want to.)
Sure. Nothing illegal, but certainly I've done quite a few things outside my comfort zone.
4. What grocery store aisle do you tend to have the most difficulty avoiding?
In the sense of absolutely HAVING to go there every time, it's either the soft drink aisle or the cheese section. In the sense of trying not to buy stuff in it, probably the candy aisle.
5. You’re going to pay to see a movie in a theater: are you more likely to want to see a comedy, a drama, an action movie or a "chick flick?"
Probably an action movie.
6. Have you ever accidentally referred to a current date with an ex's name?
Nope. I was fortunate to only date two guys with the same name, neither of which is Beast's, and they all had VERY different names otherwise. I have more trouble getting Beast's name right when I've been talking to (or about) my brother, who shares NO letters with Beast, but has a similar vowel sound. Because English is like that.

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