(from here)
Does anyone of the opposite sex have the same name as you? That would be pretty strange, although I suppose in some Asian or non-romance language it could happen.
Ever been caught doing something illegal? I've gotten two tickets in my life. So, yes, though the second one wasn't a matter of being caught as it was hanging around afterwards long enough for the cop to show up.
You watch The Simpsons, right? Wrong.
Is there a boy that you would do absolutely everything for? Just Sparky. And Jet. And a couple of other kids at church. And some friends of Sparky's besides Jet.
Name something you dislike about the day you're having? Actually today wasn't all that bad. So, I wish I would have started earlier on prepping for tomorrow's meeting.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? My nephew James? Someone at church? I dunno. I don't know too many smokers.
Are you dating the last person you talked to? No, but I am married to him!
Who was the last person you talked to in person? Beast.
Does anyone regularly - other than family - tell you they love you? I'm way more interested in whether people show me they love me than in hearing them say it.
Would you consider painting your bedroom purple? Pale purple, sure.
Where is the shirt you are wearing from? Eddie Bauer.
Are there any posters in your room? Uh, no. Not in my bedroom, no.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Nope.
What is stressing you out most right now? Work. And Beast's health. Between the two, I'm ready to tear my hair out.
Have you ever lit a candle? Seriously?
What would you do if your spouse died? Cry. Lots. Discover what panic and anxiety attacks are all about. Generally freak the fuck out.
Have you ever owned your own car? Uh, yeah.
Have you ever been so scared you couldn't move? Yes.
What is the last thing you put into your mouth, other than food? Gum.
Have you ever dropped a baby while holding it? Lol--yes, my nephew Jesse went straight out of my arms and face-planted (from about 6 inches off the ground) when he was about 4 months old. Awesome, Auntie Cat.
Has anyone ever told you they want to have sex with you? ...hmm, well, seeing as how I'm not in an arranged marriage, yes.
Have you ever eaten so much candy you thought you would die? No, just wanted to, about 10 minutes before I threw up.
How many hoodies do you own? Two? I think?
Do you actually wear every shirt in your drawers? I usually wear my shirts on my torso not in my drawers. And yes, I think I've removed almost anything I never wear.
What is behind you? The front windows, the porch...
Where is the closest trashcan to you? On the other side of Beast's chair.
Have you ever thrown up in that trashcan? Nope. I have only thrown up in two trashcans in my life, both times in college.
Are you fair-skinned? Yes.
Have you ever dropped your phone in a pool? Nope.
If your ex said they want to have sex with you, what would you say? I'd laugh in his face.
Have you ever seriously thought you were going to marry someone and they broke your heart? Nope.
What did you last text someone saying? I texted Beast to let him know I was on my way home from bell choir rehearsal.
Would you ever live in Hawaii? Sure.
How many surveys do you take in one day? Usually just one, at most, especially during the week now.
Have you ever burned yourself on a stove? Yes. Yes I have. It's kind of an annual event, at least.
Have you ever had someone else pop one of your pimples? Erk? Ugh, no!!
Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex? Nope.
What are you disgusted by? Intentional stupidity.
Have you ever made out with someone in a movie theater? No, actually I don't think I have.
What about on a couch? Yup.
What about on your bed? Well, yeah...! duh
Have you ever won a contest? Yup.
What were you dressed up as for halloween 4 years ago? I haven't dressed up for Halloween in well over a decade.
What is the weirdest thing you have ever said to someone? The most memorable foot-in-mouth thing I've ever said was asking a British woman I'd just met--while jet-lagged and exhausted--if she couldn't just please please speak ENGLISH to me.
When was the last time you had the hiccups? I hate to jinx myself, but it's been quite awhile.
Do you actually have manners? Nope. I'm 100% uncouth.
Have you ever punched your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yup, but only in a joking way, on the arm. Oh, and I used to punch him in the abs when we were dating.
Would you rather eat 10 spiders or die? One could, I suppose, lead to the other, but I'd rather not die just yet.
Have you ever been pooped on by a bird? Yes. Yuck-O!
Have you ever met someone famous? I suppose.
When you were a kid, did you like Barney? I was in my mid-20s before that perversion of all that is good about public TV appeared.
Have you ever wondered what your boyfriend/girlfriend's private parts look like? Nope.
Do your parents approve of the music you listen to? I don't think they much care anymore.
What would you say if you saw your mom smoking pot? Seeing my mom doing ANYthing right now would make me question my sanity. And no, she didn't smoke pot, but she absolutely DID know what it looked and smelled like, which freaked me out pretty much completely as a high school kid.
Do you keep in touch with your cousins? Nope. Haven't seen any of them since I was about 11.
Have you ever had a crush on a 2nd or 3rd cousin? I'm not even sure who that would be, or even if I have any.
Have you ever had a best friend that moved away? No, I was the one who moved.
Have you ever kissed a boy named Justin? My great-nephew is named Justin; he's 2. So, yeah.
Have you ever had a beverage come out of your nose in public? Yes. Welcome to elementary school.
What type of iPod do you have? I have an MP3 player I haven't really ever used. Can't load enough songs on it. Need more bigger one.
Do you own your own laptop? Yes. We actually have five in the house right now, and Sparky has his at school. Beast has a home one and a work one, I have this one, we use FIL's for some things, and there's an old and very slow one in the closet that Beast used for work more than 7 years ago.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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