Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday 13

(Link in meme-ro
Random Thoughts
  1. Three close friends have had family pass away this month. Today we got news of one of our long-time library supporters' death. Can we puh-leeeeze be done now?

  2. Three friends' cars have died or been killed this week. Is there something in the air?

  3. One of my coworker's spent the last three days dealing with hives on her face. She's never had allergies before, so she's a little confused. The kicker? She told me today, "I've never taken Benadryl before this; I didn't know that it would put me OUT for the afternoon!" Whereas I've taken so much I'm immune to that at this point.

  4. A blood glucose reading of 260 is really fuckin' high.

  5. I walked in the house from work tonight to Beast asleep in the recliner (not a surprise) with the TV on (also not a surprise) showing "Access Hollywood" (THAT is a surprise!). Not that he was watching it. Guess I"m getting my gossip fill for the week  month year.

  6. I have cataloged over 60 "for Dummies" books this week. I think I might be allergic to yellow covers on books.

  7. Bob Mould has written his autobiography. I'm guessing only 80's music trendies, college radio fanatics from that era, and people from Minnesota have a clue who he is. In the picture on the page to which I just linked, he looks a great deal like a good friend's brother (pictures of him--I've never met him).

  8. No, it's not Ash Wednesday. Nor is it Palm Sunday. But based on those questions I know getting up the stairs is going to be ... interesting.

  9. I wish there was a dipstick for mental fatigue. Then again, maybe I don't.

  10. Thank GOD for "Ghost Whisperer." Totally cotton candy, and I definitely need it tonight.

  11. Memes. They're good tonight. I do NOT want to think.

  12. The verdict is that my hair is cute. And it makes me look "years" younger. I clearly looked like the Wicked Witch of the West prior to getting my hair cut.

  13. My high school band director has reconstituted the Facebook group for band alumni. There are 5 or 6 people who do nothing but post comments on it all day. Reading their posts, and looking at the pictures people have dug up and posted, makes me miss high school. Well, ok, band. But I'm pretty glad I'm not as hung up on it as those 5 or 6 people.

4 sweet-talkers :

Kelly said...

Ah...a fellow former band geek! I, too, miss band. My oldest kid is now in the band, which makes me a...{shudder}...*band parent*. Ugh.

Great list!

amy said...

#7: I thought that the cover photo looked somewhat like Wilson's Leather. From which of those three groups do I hail? :P

Cat. said...

You're obviously the "from Minnesota." I suppose you could be "musically trendy" but you're too young to have spun Hüsker Dü over a college radio station in their heyday.

Yeah, could be Wilson's Leather. Too tall, though. ;-)

amy said...

OK, that one made me laugh, too. Poor Wilson's Leather. (not) And I would hope I'm at least clutching the edges of musically trendy!

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