Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
The What's Trending Meme

1. Political ticker: Santorum said "bull***t" on the campaign trail. Do you think this was necessary?
Oh for FUCK's sake! Of course it wasn't "necessary," but sometimes profanity just FEELS so damn good, y'know? I find it hysterical that it's such a big freakin' deal; nice to know he uses that mouth for something besides ... uh, yeah ... kissing his wife.
2. Entertainment: How hungry are you for The Hunger Games?
I am hoping to see it at the theater ... eventually. Soon, obviously.
3. What is trending on the blogging front is the death of blogging. Do you agree? And if so, have you made funeral arrangements for your blog?
My main blog has been in hospice care for some time now. I'm not really fussed; hospice does a nice job and they generally have access to good drugs. Frankly and in all seriousness, if all the stupid, misspelled, random, music- and flash-heavy blogs disappeared from the net, I wouldn't call it a loss.
4. Facebook: Do you like the new timeline?
I don't have it on my account yet, and no, I don't like it. It's hard to track what's going on. Why the timeline in the middle? Why not at one side? Oooohhhh, because then it would pretty much look like my current homepage!
5. Nationally: The tragic Trayvon Martin story and vigilante Neighborhood Watch citizens with guns ready to shoot anything that moves. Do you think we should have Neighborhood Watch groups?
Yes, I do think Neighborhood Watch is a good idea. Whether people should be armed is a completely different matter.

I'm of two minds about this: it's a tragedy and I'm glad the apparent inequities are being publicized (again--in case we missed the last, I dunno, kabillion times), but I feel rather sorry for the guy who shot him only because he's become the whipping boy (check the history of THAT phrase, yo) for something that probably happens every day in this country. He should be punished for killing someone, no doubt, but so should those people who didn't properly train him to handle the situation.
6. Tweeters on Twitter are currently discussing the #IWasStupidEnoughTo hashtag. What were you stupid enough to do? Do tell.
I was stupid enough to use my real name and location for about a month when I started blogging. I am NOT stupid enough to tell you what I consider the real stupid stuff I've done!
7. On the Health Watch: Did you know that popcorn is full of antioxidants? Now that it's healthy, will you still eat it?
I barely eat it now. I probably should eat it; don't know why I stopped.
8. (Yes, I said 8!) The whole world is freaking out about fracking. Can you explain it to me?
The freaking out over it? Or the actual fracking itself? If the latter, here is a decent place to start reading up on it. If the former, see agar on apples, fen-phen, HRT, or any other of the myriad of other Panic Attacks force-fed to us by the media. Not that we shouldn't be aware of what fracking is and the reality of what long-term effects it has on us, our communities and so forth, but freaking out is not helpful.

1 sweet-talkers :

Mimi Lenox said...

The news was crazy this week.
Great answers as always.

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