(Found here)
Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? Their attitude towards belief or non-belief in God is way more important than their belief. If they're snotty or bitchy or know-it-all-ish about it...I judge them on that.
Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower? No, but it makes a great deal of sense.
Has your printer ever stopped working at the last minute and you had a paper due the next day? What did you do? I went to school before personal computers. I had to go to the campus computing center and type my paper in to one of the dumb terminals there, and use the two-ton printer there to get a hard copy, and THEN tear off the holes along the sides of the paper, and tear the long strip of printer paper into pages. Or I could use my portable typewriter instead, without correction ribbon.
Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? There are times when I don't really think it's important for my opinion to be voiced. Not "afraid" exactly; more empathy.
Do you have a guy that is strictly a friend that isn't related to you that you can go to? "Go to"?? I have guy friends, yes.
Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side tracked? As much as this sounds like something I would do, I don't think I ever have done it.
Have you ever tried Sucrets? Yes. They are pretty much useless for anything but making my tongue numb. Not useful for a sore throat at all.
Would you date someone that smokes? Probably not. The whole "kissing an ashtray" thing. I have relatives who smoke and kissing them is not fun.
What about drinks? Would I date someone who drinks? Sure. As long as he keeps himself under control. I certainly wouldn't knowingly date a drunk.
Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling out drunk everywhere? Yes. Isn't that called college? But not for many many years.
Are you 'the good girl' or 'the bad girl' or somewhere in between? Mostly a good girl, though I have a loud mouth.
Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? No. I have taken off the numbers, or renumbered questions if they were wrong.
When you bold things, do you use keyboard shortcuts (ex: ctrl + b) or do you put in your own bold tags or do you use the B button in the tool bar? I normally use Ctrl+B, but in Blogger if you're in HTML view--as I am now--that doesn't work, so I type it in...in HTML.
How exactly do you pronounce (type it the way it sounds to you) Xanga? I say "Zanga" in my head. But I don't think I've ever said it out loud.
Don't you hate it when you go to look at someone's site and they've shut it down? It's annoying, but I'm not surprised.
Have you noticed more people are making surveys now? I think the craze has peaked and dropped off.
Are you ready for some questions you have never been asked? That'll be novel.
Who was the last person you gave your number to? I left my cell # with neighbors this morning in case they needed to reach me at the hospital.
Who[m] are you missing? Been thinking about Ellen a lot tonight. Seventeen-plus years. Hard to believe.
Who ended your last relationship? It was a drift, not an end.
Was it in person, text, im, message, etc.? It was prior to texting and IMs.
When's the last time you talked to an ex, and about what? Haven't.
Last time you were drunk, do you regret anything you did? The last time I remember being 'overserved' was in Rome, and the only thing I regret is that I drank so much. However, I did NOT have a hangover the next day so I couldn't have had that much.
Do you shave anything else besides your legs and armpits? I once shaved Beast's ankle, in college, after he injured it playing football and got tired of having the medical tape ripping his leg hair off every time he got ready to practice.
What are your pets' names? Ruka and Pinto.
What color are your underwear? Red. And a little white.
Have you ever been cheated on, if so how did you deal with it? No. Well, not that I know about. ;-)
Have you ever thought about giving someone a make over? I am about the last person you'd want to do that.
How old were you when you first smoked weed? Uhm, never. See above, re Good Girl.
Do you still? Y'know, honestly, I would absolutely LOVE to have a joint tonight...
Can you call your ex on the phone with out it being awkward? I just plain can't call my exes; don't have their phone numbers.
Do you pluck your eyebrows? Yes, when I notice I need to.
Do you have an attitude? Yup.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin your relationship? Not that I know of.
Have you ever kissed someone while you were high? I've kissed and been kissed when I was drunk.
Has anyone ever threw a surprise party for you? Yes, twice within a month. I'm not really a fan.
Where's your best friend right now? Upstairs in bed.
Have you told someone you'd pay them back but never did? Probably. I hope not, but the odds are I have.
Do you own any sex toys/vibrators? I wouldn't say "own."
Do you have a lighter on you? No.
What's your favorite tv show? CSI.
What do you think about the last person who posted this survey before you? I don't know her.
How many kids do you want to have? I have one delightful, college-aged son.
What do you want to get tattooed? Nothing.
Do you swear in front of your parents? Hell no!
What's your favorite store at the mall? VS. Or Bath & Body Works.
The person you have feelings for shows up at your house, you say? He LIVES in this house! I'd say, "Welcome home" or something like that.
Last person you talked on the phone with? Sparky. Actually, it was Jet, on Sparky's phone, asking what kind of "fruit and veggies" to get at the store.
Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? Hope so.
Was last New Year's enjoyable? I don't actually remember it.
Do you have siblings over the age of 21? Hah! I don't even have any nieces or nephews under 21!
Will this weekend be a good one? It will be hard to be worse that the one that just finished.
Will tomorrow be better than today? I choose to hope so.
You've taken fifteen shots of vodka, what are you doing? Nearly dead.
What do you currently hear right now? The TV. I'm flipping between Bizarre ER and L&O:CI.
Has anyone ever sang [sic] to you? Yes.
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? Better than when I was younger.
Are you a mean person? I have been known to be, at times. I try not to be.
Does anyone hate you? Sure. Hopefully not anyone completely insane, though.
Do you think relationships are even worth it? Of course they are!
Relationships or one night stands? {{facepalm}}
If something was wrong, who is the first person you would go to? Beast.
Do you usually tell people when you're mad at them? Oh, yeah, there's usually no doubt.
Honestly, how is your heart lately? It's been through the ringer this week.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Nope.
Do you miss anyone? Didn't we establish this already, above?
What is stressing you out most right now? Beast's health, or lack thereof.
Are you waiting for a phone call? No. There is no one I want to talk to on the phone right now.
Is there anyone that will text you and you smile instantly? Yes. Though perhaps not right now.
Ever given your all to someone who walked away? No, I wouldn't say that.
Ever kissed someone who's name starts with a "C" or "J"? Sure. Both, I think. J for sure. Not as sure about C.
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed? I tried to doze in the chair in the hospital room yesterday while Beast slept. Didn't really work. I did sleep in the spare room one night last week.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? Yes.
Were you happy when you woke up today? Not really.
What mood are you in right now? Tired. Sore.
If your current mood was a colour, what colour would it be? Gunmetal gray.
What did you do last night? Stayed at the hospital till 8:30. Came home. Watched crappy TV. Went to bed.
Honestly, have you ever seen a movie with Greta Garbo? Honestly, no.
Do you find Helen Keller jokes amusing? Having heard most of them 20+ years ago, not so much.
If Jesus were around today, do you think you would believe him? Sure. Well, ok, I'd probably root for him at least.
What do you think of penguins? Or do you think of penguins? I think of Jenny when I think of penguins. She loves 'em.
If you had to spell your name differently, how would you spell it? "Kat"?? ;-)
Do you keep a blog? If so, where? Uhm, here...? And some other places.
Have you ever been in a play? Explain. I was a rat in the 4th grade production of The Pied Piper of Hamelin. And I've been in the pit orchestra for a few musicals.
Say the first thing that comes to mind: I should go to bed.
Is the radio on? What's playin'? No. So...nothin'.
Did you do anything festive for New Year's? Nope.
Where are your ancestors from? Northern, western Europe. Canada.
Marilyn Monroe: glamorous or slutty? Glam. Slutty?? WTF?
Marilyn Manson: cool or freaky? Asshat.
Did you read Dr. Seuss as a kid? Not till I was pretty much too old, but I read a lot of his books to Sparky when he was a kid.
What article of clothing that you own always reminds you of someone else? I have a couple of my dad's shirts. I have a jacket of my sister's. I have several pairs of socks I bought for my mom in the last year or so of her life.
Are you afraid of cats? "Afraid," no. But they make me sick, so I try not to touch them.
What kind of computer are you using right now? Gateway laptop.
Do you speak any other languages? I can be incoherent in Spanish.
What language would you like to learn, if any? Ancient Greek and Hebrew. And maybe Gaelic.
Do you mow the lawn? Do you have a lawn? No. I think we'll be hiring someone to do that this year.
Are you on Facebook? Yes.
Which Internet browser are you using? Chrome.
What kind of phone do you have? LG.
Finish the sentence. Where I live, the men are... variable in the extreme.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? And why do we care? Cuz it's fun to say.
Have you ever stared at the sun? No, I still have my vision, thanks.
If yes, are you now blind? Yeah, no.
If yes, how the hell are you doing this survey? lol
Are you closer to your mother or father? I was Daddy's girl all the way.
What word do you use for "soda"? I grew up saying "pop." When I lived in Wisconsin, I was teased incessantly and eventually moved to "soda." Now that I don't live there anymore, I try to say "pop."
What do you think of Jeffree Star? Never heard of him till this survey.
Do you do your own laundry? Yes, or Beast does it.
Were you an ugly baby? No. I was adorable, but bald as a stone.
The most embarrassing band you like: The Bee Gees.
Does your bedhead resemble Albert Einstein's hair? Nope.
Honestly, do you shower every day? Honestly, no. Shower or bath.
Finish the sentence: Shake it like a... Plock.
If you said polaroid picture, do you know the rest of the words? Yeah, moving on.
How many people have seen you naked? Who knows. Once you have had anesthetic and/or surgery, or had a baby, you tend to lose track.
Your most traumatizing concert story: I never had anything traumatizing happen at a concert.
Would you ever name your son Richard? No.
Would you make love to Cap'n Jack Sparrow? Hmm, probably not. He'd definitely have to shower and sober up, and then he wouldn't be too fun.
What about Jeffrey Dahmer? Doubt he would've been interested in me.
Who are the last four males you talked to? Beast, Sparky, Jet...uhm...the pharmacist yesterday?
Who sits behind you in math? The last math class I had was 32 years ago. I don't think anyone actually sat behind me. It was a small class.
When will your next kiss be? Tomorrow morning.
Do you hate when people put "I love you" on their profiles? What?
Are you in a relationship right now? Well, yeah.
If someone liked you, what would be the best way to let you know? Say so. Use short words. It's not hard.
Where was your last kiss? In the living room, on the lips.
Would you care if you saw the person you like, kissing someone else? Plock.
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? Oh, there are way too many qualifiers to pick just one out of the list.
Do you like someone? I loathe this question.
Your best friend is pregnant - you say? Hmmm, that would be quite shocking.
Would you rather be called hot, cute, or beautiful? I would rather not be noticed, given those choices.
Did you wake up before 8am this morning? Yes.
Do you wear Eyeliner? No. And why is it capitalized.
What's something that's bothering you? The stupid questions we keep coming to in this meme.
Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn't want to date? Yes.
Did you ever get caught passing notes? I think the only time I passed a note I got caught.
Were you smiling in the last picture taken of you? I think so.
What was the last song you listened to? There was something by Van Halen on the radio as we drove home.
Do you miss anyone right now? Oh, for FUCK's sake........
When was the last time you smiled? When Sparky came upstairs awhile ago.
How late did you stay up last night and why? I was awake till after 11, because I wanted to make sure I slept hard all night. That backfired.
Do you own a dreamcatcher? I made one about 15 years ago. Think I pitched it along the line somewhere.
What is the last thing that you bought for somebody else? Breakfast for Beast this morning.
Opinions of That 70's Show? Never watched it.
Do you often find yourself talking to inanimate objects? Regularly. Like, daily, if not hourly.
What was the last book that you read? Was it any good? An Echo in the Bone. It was a little long...ahem.
Have you seen the commercials for Fushigi? Nope.
Have you ever painted a room? What colour? Of course I have! Not for many years. I've painted dozens of rooms....
Which flavour of popsicle is the best? Lime.
Have you ever pantsed/been pantsed by someone? No.
Lava lamps; yay or nay? They're silly, but I don't hate them.
Who is the most opinionated person that you know? Most of the members of my family, including me, are quite opinionated.
Movie theater popcorn is better than microwave popcorn, right? Yes.
When was the last time that you caught lightnin' bugs? Not since Sparky was a little boy.
Do you enjoy attending family reunions? Generally, yes.
Have you ever been to a race track? Yes. Horses, dogs, and cars.
Have you ever read A Series Of Unfortunate Events? I read a couple of the books, and I saw the movie.
Bobble-heads; yay or nay? No opinion.
Which web browser do you use? Still Chrome, though I have to use IE for some things at work.
Do you still listen to CD's? Yes, I do.
Do you comment on stupid things that characters do in books, out loud? Heh, yeah.
Have you ever seen the blade-less fans? Yes.
Why does the dog always die in the end of stories? Yeah, that worries me too.
Have you ever silkscreened a tshirt? Nope.
What was your favourite cartoon growing up? I didn't watch cartoons on TV as a child.
Al Capone should've paid his taxes, right? Yeah, but he'd've been caught out on some other technicality.
If you put 'Count' in front of your name, then you'd be? Ridiculous.
Did you ever have a rock collection? As a matter of fact, yes.
Do you have a favourite bromance? From tv or a movie. I like the Lethal Weapon movies.
Are you a fan of delicious flavour? WHAT the fuck?
Have you ever left a note in a book at a library or book store? Yes.
Do you tweet excessively? Nope.
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire? Yes.
Can you play the drums? Nope.
Do you like those SkullCandy earphones? I don't have a preference, really, but Sparky does like them.
Have you ever been somebody's photography subject? Not in any professional sense, no.
Have you met amazing people online? Oh, YEAH!
Orange Julius is godly, yes? Heh, something else I was never allowed as a child, and haven't seen since then.
Who is your favourite Lord Of The Rings character? I am not a Tolkien fan.
Who taught/will teach you how to drive? My dad, mostly.
What was the last thing that you ordered online? I bought a book for my Nook last week.
Do you have the emotional range of a teaspoon? Yes, and then some.
Have you ever given a 'World's Best Mom/Dad' mug? Don't think so.
What's one thing you have never done? I haven't (yet) murdered a survey-writer.
Why? Is this something you would try in the future if you had the chance? I might....
What is one trend you wish you have been a part of? It would have been fun to be young in the 40s when women were encouraged to work.
Or do you think that following trends is stupid? Depends on the trend.
Do you enjoy reading fanfictions? About who? Some. I read it for awhile for ST:TNG.
Or do you write fanfictions, too? Nope.
What is something you own that you wish was in your favorite color? I wish our master bath was painted.
^ What is your favorite color anyway? Blue.
Is there someone from your past that you wish you had dated? Oh, yeah.
Can you snap with both your hands? If not, which hand can you snap with? Yes. I'm better with my right hand.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how tolerant are you when it comes to gory movies? -5
What internet browser do you use? STILL Chrome.
What is your opinion on Ke$ha? Do you listen to her? I'm not much of a fan.
Or do you think her songs are catchy but uses too much auto-tune? I'm not sure I'd recognize anything she's done.
^ Do you consider that talent at all? Enough. Move on.
Do you like cosplays? I am amused by people who participate in this.
If you were to participate in one, what/who would you dress up as? I wouldn't.
If I looked on your bed, what would I find? Beast.
Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? Closed.
Do you sleep on your back or stomach? Side.
Has something happened today that's made you angry? Actually, from that standpoint, it's been a pretty good day.
What shirt are you wearing right now? "[Sparky's college] Mom" sweatshirt.
Do you sing? I try.
When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? Not very often.
What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen? Don't have one, thank God.
If you need a new pair of jeans, where do you go first? Farm & Fleet. Or Old Navy.
What would you change about your life right now? I'd fix Beast's back, hire several people to help us get through the finances and executor stuff for FIL, and make us independently wealthy so Beast could retire and get a job that's less stressful.
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? A piece of gum.
Are you the heart breaker or the heart broken? I try to be neither. Probably more the latter, though.
To you, what is the best feeling in the world? Accomplishment.
Have you ever passed out? Not quite.
Where was your last car ride to and from? From the hospital to the house.
White or dark chocolate? Not overly fussy.
If you plan on going to college, which do you want to go to? I believe I may be done with college courses.
How much older than you is the last person you kissed? 29 years.
Have you kissed someone in the last 24 hours? Yes.
Who was the last person to text you? Lisa.
Do you prefer to call or text? Text.
How many different houses have you lived in? Four houses plus one apartment building and one dorm.
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. Or maybe Friday. I can't remember.
What is the main ringtone on your phone? The one that rings for people I don't have in my contacts list is called Tone 9. I have two or three ringers for specific groups of people: family, close friends, etc.
Would you rather rent or buy a movie? Rent.
What is the best part of your own body? My brain.
The next time you'll leave the city/town you're in? Tomorrow morning when I go to work.
How far is it from your house to Walmart? 9.6 miles.
When was the last time you wore make-up? Years and years ago. I just threw it all out a couple of months ago.
Would you call yourself "skinny"? Not anymore.
Have you ever been so upset that you stopped eating? Yes.
How tall do you wish you were? I'm good where I am.
How old will you be in two months? 48.
Honestly, if you were a millionaire, would you donate to charity? Of course I would.
If you had in your hand the keys to a brand new Camaro, would you be excited? Not particularly.
Do you talk to your current love interest everyday? Yes.
1. when was the last time someone called you late at night? Sparky called at about 10 one night last month. Nothing urgent. Scared us a bit though.
2. what beverage do you drink most often? Diet Dr Pepper.
3. do you have a study hall at school? I didn't. It wasn't an option at my school.
4. do you have a house key? Uh, yeah.
5. are you any good at art? Not really.
6. what is the last book you bought? A Cold Day for Murder.
7. did where the red fern grows make you cry? Oh, yeah, in a huge way.
8. did you ever have to read it for school? Our teacher read it aloud to us in 3rd (??) grade.
9. can you describe the last glass that you drank from? It's a highball glass, part of a set Beast found with the kind of pilsner glasses I specifically wanted.
10. would you jump from a fifteen feet high platform? Nope.
11. do you know where your siblings are? More or less.
12. do you ever just lay in bed at night to think? I usually fall asleep when I try that.
13. when was the last time you chewed gum? Doing so right now.
14. what is on your favorite t-shirt? I have several dozen T-shirts. I like them all.
15. what time was it when you last ate? About 6
16. do you wish you had more money? Who doesn't want that?
17. does your computer still have any of the stickers on it? Yup.
18. does your house have a fireplace? Yup.
19. do your grandparents live in a nice house? John 14:2
20. are there ever tornadoes where you live? Yes.
21. what was the last thing to wear you out? Life, right now, is quite wearing.
22. do you talk to your best friend's parents, or do you avoid them? Not anymore.
23. has anyone ever assumed you were dating someone when you weren't? Not that I'm aware of.
24. do you like natalie dee comics? Never heard of them till just now.
25. do you go to all of your school's sporting events? Not anymore (not that I did when I was a kid, either).
26. do you have a sketchbook? No.
27. what classes are you required to take this year? I have some conferences I have to attend, but no classes.
28. how many years will you be in college? I'm freakin' DONE with college.
29. has anyone given you a gift this week? Not...exactly.
30. is your mother a prude? She was, yes.**
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
This is painfully long, although I did read all of it. ;-)
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