Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Eve Was Framed Meme

1. Why is your favorite color your favorite?
I just like blue. It calms me, reminds me of home, and even warms me up, which I know isn't what it's "supposed" to do. But it does.
2. Do you prefer dogs or cats or do you just hate animals, and want to kill baby seals?
I like dogs, baby seals and kittens, and most other furry critters.
3. How much time do you spend on the computer?
Eight hours at work, another 5-6 at home. Yes, am a junkie.
4. Not including porn, what do you do on the computer?
Work, play games, do memes, read, check up on friends/family, veg out.
5. Are you a clock watcher?
Not as much as I used to be, and this weekend, I've just had to turn that part of my brain off completely. If you watch the clock in the hospital, you're just asking for trouble.
6. What do you/did you look for in a partner?
A good sense of humor is a must.
7. What type of clothing do you prefer?
8. What is your favorite type of music?
I really like electronica and house, but I'll listen to almost anything. I'm especially loving the mashups concept lately.
9. Do you believe in the paranormal, Ghosts, ESP, levitation, spoon bending?
Nope. I am the female James Randi.
10. The most important question: Do you have a innie or outie belly button?
11. What kind of car do you drive?
ca. 2007 Ford Explorer.
12. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun or The Boys Are Back in Town?
I like 'em both. Maybe someone should do a mashup--huh.
13. Camping or the Ritz?
Ritz. Hate camping.
14. What food are you craving RIGHT NOW . . . did you eat it?
An entire bag of jellybeans would be wonderful, but we don't have any in the house.
15. The most thrilling place you've ever visited. Why?
16. If you could slip into the skin of one public figure--celebrity, artist,--who would it be?
Hmmm...can't think of anyone I'd really want to impersonate.
17. Look up from your computer. What do you see first?
The TV; we're watching DVR'd NCIS episodes.
18. Sum up your philosophy of life in one sentence. You can borrow it from someone else, if you'd like.
"It is what it is."
19. Name the one thing you just don't understand about kids today.
I don't have a problem with kids; I have a problem with adults who have kids and don't take that responsibility seriously. And adults in general, frankly.
20. If you could steal one work of art from a museum or gallery, which would it be?
It's going to be hard to steal the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

6 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

#19 is a great answer.

amy said...

A reproduction of the Sistine Chapel would look really, really gnarly in your living room.

Cat. said...

The ceiling fan would have to go.

Maybe in the basement?

amy said...

Or over the pet realm! They might really dig that.

Cat. said...

The pets have moved to another area...which might not be a bad place for ceiling frescoes either.

amy said...

Golly, it has been a while since I've made the trek, hasn't it? Hmm.

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