Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Scottish Meme

1. Where are you from and where do you live now?
I'm from the Denver area, but I now live in Flatland, Flyover.
2. Favorite childhood story/book/film?
My dad's stories about his early years were pretty awesome, and dovetailed nicely with the Little House books, since he and his parents and sisters were homesteaders like the Ingalls family. As for film, probably Paint Your Wagon. I know, I was a weird kid, but remember I grew up prior to VHS and DVDs, so I had to go to a theater to see a movie that wasn't hacked up on network TV on Saturday afternoon.
3. If you could change gender for a day what would you do?
Pee standing up. As many times as possible.
4. Do you feel you family is complete or would you like more/some children?
Oh, I'm done. I've been done since February 1997 when the SRO was razed.
5. What do you do/Where do you work and do you enjoy it?
I'm a librarian at a medium-sized public library and spend most of my time doing cataloging and other technical service (i.e. "back room") jobs. I love the work, though (a few of) the people are making life unpleasant right now. I need to get over them and carry on.
6. Which three words do you think sum you up?
Today, I'll go with lazy, wordy, scatter-brained.
7. If you were a fairy what magical powers would you possess?
I'm not even sure if this means what fairy-like powers I mostly have now, or what would I want to have? So I'll go with making people shut up when they've said what they need to say. It would make work a helluva a lot more pleasant!
8. If you were invisible, where would you go and what would you do? Why?
I would go to work, with earplugs in, and get my work done without being bothered.
9. What song can’t you listen to without crying?
Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah by anyone who can actually sing it properly. It makes me unable to breathe when it's done right.
10. Which book changed your life – or at least made you think a lot?
Well, there've been a few of those. The Road Less Traveled (M. Scott Peck) was one. Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky) was another. The Book of Ruth (Jane Hamilton) is another. Just about anything by Bart Ehrman, Anne Lamott or J. Dominic Crossan makes me chew stuff over.
11. Why do you blog?
I like to write, but I'm too lazy to write properly about important things.
12. What is your top ‘me-time’ tip?
For me, just sitting quietly with no electronics engaged is pretty awesome.
13. What can’t you live without?
In no particular order: air, water, food, medications, clothing, shelter.
14. Which of all your blog posts are you most proud of and why?
I did a post several years ago about my dad that I really worked on ahead of time (unusual for me). I'm not sure if I've reposted it on my newer blog or not. And there are some others, but off the top of my head I can't think of any specific subjects.
15. Have you ever met a famous person? Who and where?
I have met one B-list actor. That's about all I'm interested in meeting. I'm too likely to trip over my tongue to want to meet anyone. Who wants to embarrass oneself in front of someone one really admires?
16. When did you last have a full night's sleep?
I slept from about 7 p.m. overnight till Thursday and then most of the day on Thursday too. I sleep hard anymore when I do go, it's just rarely long enough.
17. What would you think is harder: Going to work or staying at home with children?
Staying at home 24/7 with small children is horrible. It's not that the kids are hard; it's the lack of intellectual stimulation and coherent conversation that's killer.
18. What are you doing for Easter?
Wow. No clue. Probably making a ham for dinner and then driving Sparky back up to school in the afternoon. Beyond that I have no idea at all.
19. What is your favorite drink?
Greyhound, or just bring me a bottle of frozen Stoli and leave me alone and we'll be good. Especially today.
20. Do you play any sports?
Does The Sims count? Or verbal sparring at work? OK, then: no.
21. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Oh, SO many. I make it a practice to be embarrassed on a weekly basis. Not because I enjoy it; I just got tired of fighting reality.
22. How clever are you?
Depends on the day. Usually "pretty much" but very often "not at all."
23. Name a new favorite TV show?
Haven't found a good new one yet. I barely keep up with the three four I watch regularly now.
24. Any guilty pleasures?
Yup. That's between me and my priest.
25. If you could have chosen your own name, what would it be?
I always wanted to be a "Tina" as a kid, but I'm over it now.
26. Who do you most admire in life, and why?
I don't have one 'hero' but parts of lots of people inspire me.
27. What is your most treasured possession?
I guess it would be my grandparents' and parents' Bibles.
28. Tell your favorite funny joke…
A dancer walks into a bar...
29. What is your biggest fear in life?
Varies between failure and being found out.
30. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? What does it remind you of?
Peppermint. I like the newish birthday cake flavor too. Or just plain vanilla with caramel or butterscotch.

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