Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The 99'er Meme: Part 2

26) Are you happy with the person you've become?
Mostly, when I haven't done something completely idiotic, which is becoming slightly less common.
27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?
I don't like whining; I love giggling.
28) What's your biggest "what if"?
What if I'd gone to my first-choice college?
29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I believe there are things in the universe we have yet to explain, and it wouldn't be a complete shock to me if spirits and/or aliens were involved. Then again, I wouldn't be overly shocked if they were not involved.
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
I'm sitting on the left end of the couch, so my right hand pretty much touches nothing unless I touch the surface of the couch. Left side, I've got an end-table with all sorts of stuff on it: gum, pop can, germ-x (no clue, actually, why that's here), nail file, CDs, etc., etc.
31) Smell the air. What do you smell?
Mostly I smell the microwave heat pack I have on my shoulder; it's not pleasant. It smells like hot dampness.
32) What's the worst place you have ever been to?
Hmmm. I can't think of any one place where I've spent a long time in hell, but Beast's high school reunion wasn't much fun, and neither were the airports in the former Soviet Union when our flights were delayed. The former was just really uncomfortable because it was abundantly obvious that we were not welcome (especially me). The latter...ugh, I remember a 5-6 hour delay in some airport (Tashkent? Samarkand? Omsk?) that was, essentially, closed: no food (or drink), nothing at all to do, conference chair seating, just enough heat to keep us from freezing, no suitcases....this was before anyone had handheld video game access 24/7, and the only things around to read (in English)were books and papers on how wonderful Soviet culture had been for Russia. And we were the only people around at the point in our trip when we really didn't want to see each other anymore. It was awful.
33) Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
Of North America, West.
34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Glerg. What a horribly-worded question! I think this depends on individual taste. Pitbull isn't hideous. Bruno Mars is cute. Enrique Iglesias is also not unattractive. I think Cee-Lo Green is cute, for that matter. However, I think I have to give this one to Larry Mullen, in the all-around.
35) To you, what is the meaning of life?
...Do what is right, and love mercy, and walk without pride with God....
36) Define: Art.
The guy hanging on the wall.
37) Do you believe in luck?
How else to explain a whole helluva a lot of my life?
38) Patriots or Giants? Or, who gives a rat's ass?
Choice 3. I really really do not want the Pats to win; I can't stand Belichick, nor Brady.
39) Will you watch the game? If yes, with who?
Yeah, watching it alone with Beast for the first time in a decade or more.
40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
I am definitely old enough to drive, and I've been in a couple of accidents and quite a few near-accidents.
41) What was the last book you read?
Finished The Evolution of Faith last week; haven't blogged it yet.
42) Do you like the smell of gasoline?
I do.
43) Do you have any nicknames?
Just "Cat." Well, and "Mom" of course.
44) What was the last movie you saw?
No clue. Not my thing to track this.
45) What's the worst injury you've ever had?
I don't think I've really ever been 'injured' badly, just life and illness.
46) Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47) Do you have any obsessions right now?
Yes, but I'm not going into them here. They're a little too close to the surface to deal with right now.
48) What's your sexual orientation?
49) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
Yes, remember, I was a teenage girl.
50) Do you believe in magic?
I believe, as mentioned above, that there are things that are unexplained, that I can't explain, but no I do not believe in Harry Potter World.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I don't believe in Harry Potter World, either, but I sure had fun visiting it.

Cat. said...

Indeed!! :-D

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