Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
I Know I'm Losing You

1. Have you ever still been in a relationship that you knew was ending, but you hung in with it anyway? If yes, why?
There was a guy in high school that I broke up with, and then we dated again later, briefly. Dumb. I've noticed that I tend to hang on to friendships for too long sometimes (no one reading this blog should is involved here, don't worry!), and sometimes things should just be left to die. But it's easier to stay in a dying relationship (or 12) than to cultivate new ones, no?
2. Tell why people around the world should be completely enthralled by you.
They shouldn't. I'm not a fan of enthrallment. But, if people want to like me cuz I'm smart and occasionally funny, that's ok by me.
3. Other than where you live, what's your favorite city and why?
The old standby is, of course, Denver since I know my way around, and the scenery is amazing. But London...oh, London, how I love thee! And San Diego. And Chicago has good points. ... Great, now I want to go on vacation!
4. What is something you are really passionate about?
Let's be honest here: myself and my loved ones. I also get wound up about books and reading, social justice, neglected and abused children and animals, and sleep. And food.
5. What has been your most exciting prize that you've won?
The only thing I've ever 'won' is a Thanksgiving turkey about 35 years ago. However, I've hit the jackpot on people I've known, and that's more important than prizes.
6. Do you think there was there a second gunman behind the grassy knoll?
Don't know, don't care, doesn't matter after 48 years and two months.
7. What was the silliest, most fun, crazy or impractical gift that you received?
Hmm, this year? I got more bird ornaments for the tree. I got a book of library-related quotes. I can't think of anything really stupid that I got this year. It really was a stellar Christmas.
8. What was the most practical gift that you received?
Books? Always practical: hate being without them.
9. What blogger has been in your blogroll the longest? How did you discover them?
I think the one meme that's still around that I was going from the beginning is probably Unconscious Mutterings. Yup, just checked...from May 2004. I have no idea where or hwow I found it.

3 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

San Diego and Chicago are good choices. I've also thought about Denver.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

Bud Fisher said...

I love London, but have only been there once (on my first honeymoon). It's Kathy's favorite city and she wants to go there on our honeymoon. She didn't know about my first. I did tell her so she had all the info. She doesn't care. She wants to still go. I think that's why I found her a keeper...

Cat. said...

London's big--go to different places this time. It won't be hard to see. And, well,'s a honeymoon, so how much entertainment do you need?! ;-)

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