Name seven books you’d like to read in 2012.
- Chelsea Mansions, by Barry Maitland
- Miss Zukas and the Library Murders, by Jo Dereske
- The Greatest Prayer, by John Dominic Crossan
- Roughing it, by Mark Twain
- The History of the World According to Facebook, by Wylie Overstreet
- Apricot Jam, and Other Stories, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- The Scottish Prisoner, by Diana Gabaldon
- Breakdown, by Sara Paretsky
- David, by by Mary Hoffman
Those are the books currently on my library record that I either have not started to read or have on hold for the next available copy. I also have several books on my Nook to read, and I have a few ideas for books on CD too. I'm sure there's be another 70+ books over the course of the year, but I can't promise beyond these.
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