Saturday, January 7, 2012

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. What are three things you'd like to change about yourself in 2012?
It would be nice if I could manage to stop inhaling food at the rate I have been. I'd also like to get back to reading books--I've really sloughed off the last few years. And, hmm, have better follow-through on some things I have let slide in a major way.
2. Of those three, which do you think would be the easiest to change?
The reading ought to be the easiest, since it's enjoyable. The others mean I have to be "good" and not lazy.
3. Of the three, what's your biggest roadblock to changing the one you think would be the most difficult to change?
The hardest thing is the food thing. I meant, I gotta eat. And the bad stuff just tastes so damn good....
4. Which of the three do you think would be easiest to change if you had someone to help keep you on track to reach a particular goal?
Oh, well, probably all of them. If I were competing on any of them, those would be the ones I'd probably excel at.
5. Have you ever used an "accountability partner," someone who would keep you on track to reach a particular goal?
I tried Weight Watchers for a little over a year. Started great. The people at the meetings were annoying. I need to get over myself before I start that again. Otherwise, no.
6. Who's the first person in your life that you would consider reaching out to for such a partnership and why?
Normally I would say Beast, but realistically he's got just a leetle much on his plate right now, and besides, he's not mean enough (to me) to be The Enforcer.

4 sweet-talkers :

amy said...

I would love to be your accountability partner! We could also talk about books. You could bring pie.

On second thought....

Cat. said...

If I brought pumpkin pie, I (at least) would be fine. ;-)

amy said...

I was thinking cherry pie. Or maybe doughnuts.

Cat. said...


DONUT PIE!!!! :-o

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