(Swiped from Kwizgiver, who reminded me that I've done this one before, here and here)
In 2011, I gained: more skills in controlling my motor-mouth.
I lost: my last (borrowed) parent.
I stopped: being quiet about some really important things. And I stopped being a youth group leader.
I started: being honest with myself. Well, more. I'm far from perfect in this area. And I started teaching Sunday School again. At least the latter is fun!
I was hugely satisfied by: the way I'm learning to coordinate my "department" at work. It's nice to "have people" for things I don't want/need to do.
And frustrated by: my boss.
I am so embarrassed that I: spewed far too much in sometimes-inappropriate places and to poorly-chosen people.
Once again, I: read a lot of books.
Once again, I did not: work on sorting my parents' papers.
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: I weigh more.
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: I don't care that I weigh more. And I'm sadder, about things that are far more important than what the scale says.
I loved spending time: in Italy.
Why did I spend even two minutes: worrying about going to Ham's wedding in October?? It all turned out that I couldn't have, and shouldn't have, so it was good that I didn't.
I should have spent more time: with FIL.
I regret buying: some items of clothing, and lots of the food I ate.
I will never regret buying tickets to Europe last spring even though with that money I could have hired a cleaning person.
I worry way too much.
I didn’t listen enough.
Redoing the same crazy things over and over drove me crazy.
The most relaxing place I went was the Hotel California in Florence. Yes. Really. Aside from the sandblasting on the front of the building, anyway. I stayed in bed almost 15 hours one night there, and the bar and patio(s) were so excellent.
Why did I go to Taco Bell so many times for lunch?
The best thing I did for someone else was be patient, pray, believe, and tell the truth.
The best thing I did for myself was getting clarity on what I want.
The best thing someone did for me listen to me cry. I have some very awesome friends. Oh, and for some reason, my best friends are now entrusting me with plants. I hope I can live up to their standards.
The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, be somebody's daughter. But I think that's part of my life that's over.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
This is a great meme. It's a good reflection. Great answers.
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