Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Com[m]unity Meme

1. As a blogger, what do you draw inspirations from for your posts?
Here, it's obviously the list of memes over there on the sidebar. Elsewhere, I have a book blog where I track what I've read, a work blog (mostly stats nowadays) along with another blog where I refgrunt (this is not my site just the one done by the originator of that term), and a 'life' blog, where I don't post much anymore because, well, life has been sucking lately.
2. If you could swap blogs with another blogger for a post, who would you switch with and why?
I don't think I would. Why subject them to that?
3. If your blog had a theme song, what would it be? Why?
This one would probably be the song from which the title is drawn. The life one would be the song from which its title is drawn. The others...dunno.
4. What is your writing process for a post?
Here, it's whatever people ask; I try to be mildly amusing at some point. Elsewhere, it's pretty cut-and-dried too, except the 'life' one where I just write whatever I'm thinking about. Or rather, whatever I've been thinking about that isn't going to depress me further by posting it.
5. Your blog requires a cute, new, mascot - what would it be?
I don't do "cute." Moving along....
6. Do you feel you express your "true self" on your blog?
Mostly, yes. Hard enough to keep track of all the fake names I use for people in my life, I don't want to make it even harder by LYING about myself!
7. What is your biggest online pet-peeve?
Poor spelling and generally bad writing, random color changes, ad-blogs, anything that blinks or scrolls, over-the-top cutesyness.... I read a lot of blogs in RSS just so I don't have to look at some people's spastic layout. Now, I hasten to add that ONE of the above isn't going to kill something for me, but all of them together...buh-bye.
8. If you could live in a fictional universe, where would you live? Why?
Pretty much every book I enjoy I want to live in--with the exception of the dark noir stuff--and pretty much any TV show I watch I wouldn't mind living in either. Especially the ones with nice-looking men. ...ahem
9. You're having a bad day, you're upset, you're angry, or you're sad - what is your go-to comfort?
Sugar, Facebook, and/or bed.
10. What is your favorite inspirational quote?
There are many. These are two I like:

"It is not your job to complete the task of perfecting the world, but neither are you free to desist from it." -- from the Mishnah

"Confusion is always the most honest response." -- Marty Indik
11. If they were to make a movie based on your life, who would play you, your leading lady/man, your best friend, and your rival?
Let's go with Melissa McCarthy, The Rock, Drew Barrymore, and Meryl Streep. Meryl is specifically chosen because she can impersonate virtually anyone, since I'm not sure who my "rival" is at any given moment.
12. Do you think the world is going to end in 2012?
Depending on their view of the afterlife, it absolutely will end for some people. For me, I'm hoping to squeeze out another couple of decades, though there are certainly days (like today*) when it seems hardly worth the bother.
13. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I would be less emotionally needy.
14. What is your favorite season and why?
Autumn. Great smells, perfect temperatures, all that fresh produce....
15. You've been bitten by a vampire. Would you fight it with all your undead being or would you embrace it for all it is worth?
I don't believe in vampires, so I would probably continue to do what I need to do to get through the day. If it means I was wrong about the vampires, I'd do some blood-sucking. But I'm not worried; I just hope they are sparkly after all.
16. Have you personally met any of your blogger friends?
A couple. Most don't live around here, and one I knew before we each started blogs.
17. What does your favorite pair of underwear look like?
Big hole at the top, two holes at the bottom for my legs, girly-style (i.e., no fly).
18. Have you ever drank something right from the container in the refrigerator knowing other people will have to drink out of the same container later?
I'm pretty sure I have never done this in my life.
19. What is your favorite word and explain why?
Well, let's go with one I coined a month or so ago, since I know at least one reader digs it: "fuckety-hell." And it is FUN to say, with all those letters crashing around inside your mouth.
20. 2011 is soon coming to a close, is there anything you'd like to do different on your blog in the year 2012?
I would like to post more on my other blogs. I've rebooted the refgrunt, since I will probably actually BE on the Reference Desk more again in 2012. Otherwise, nah. Maybe I'll change background colors or pictures ... nah. Too much work. ;-)
* I feel like toasted shit on a plate today.

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Toasted shit on a plate, hah... I do hope you're feeling significantly better by now. And I said Fuckety-hell the other day and cracked up a friend of mine. So, your word is spreading!

Cat. said...

I'm feeling more like limp fish today, so ... better. Ish.

Glad to start a trend. ;-)

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