(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
How Does He Do It?
1. Get down the chimney? Some things it's just better not to question. I have no idea.
2. Deliver presents all over the world? EXTREME organization!
3. Get so fat and still act so jolly? Cookies. And probably a whole lot of coffee.
4. Recruit reindeer for sleigh-pulling lessons? Don't you think, especially in this economy, that they are lining up for jobs?
5. Provide compensation for elves making toys? Cookies. And lots of coffee. And also, where else are they going to get jobs?
6. Stay unseen from the rest of the world? Unseen? Wait, you mean on Xmas Eve? I think kids DO see him, sometimes.
Would It Still Be Christmas Without…
7. Candy canes? Yep.
8. Snow? Oh, yeah, I don't miss the snow.
9. Stores opening at 5am? Stores open at 5 on Xmas? Not around here!
10. Winter vacation? No.
11. Visiting family & friends? Yep.
12. Fake Santas? As long as they aren't pervy, cranky, or otherwise, un-Santa-like.
13. Christmas trees? Nope.
14. New holiday movies? Yep. Not a fan.
15. Getting holiday greeting cards/email? Nope.
16. Holiday tunes? Christmas carols on the Eve: no. Crappy, endless, repetitive stuff on muzak: Yes.
Sunday night
5 years ago
2 sweet-talkers :
I thought the stores opening at 5 am question was about Black Friday. Which I can live without.
We stole this one too. Snow does bite!!!
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