Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Drift Away (RIP Dobie Gray)

1. Who or what bores you enough to mentally drift away?
Any discussion about corporate life in America, the ins and outs of business, whether in theory or practice, economics...and also esoteric hobbies that I'm not into. Like birdwatching.
2. How many members of your family not living with you do you see on during the holidays?
I try for zero, but I just got a message from my niece (Katherine) and I guess we'll have to figure something out for a meet-up with them since it's been almost 6 months since we last saw them.
3. When spending time with family, how long after you arrive do you begin to feel "antsy" about being there too long?
I can't be in Katherine and Alan's house more than about an hour before I actually do need to start leaving--four cats, yo. If I'm visiting out of town--as in "can't get home tonight"--I usually spend at least part of the day holed up in whatever sleeping area I've been assigned. My family does tend to make me a little crazy.
4. Does your family more generally get along at a holiday gathering or are there generally arguments?
My family is quite stereotypically Italian...without any of the actual Mediterranean genetics.
5. Are you ever embarrassed by your family around friends?
Fuck yeah. One member in particular. I'm talking to you, Jan! I grew up embarrassed by others in my family, but I'm trying like hell to overcome that at this point.
6. Of the celebrities that died in 2011, who will you miss the most?
In my day-to-day life, none of them, but I will miss FIL. And I didn't remember that Clarence Clemons had died this year. :-(
7. When you watch a movie in a movie theater, do you like the theater filled to capacity, halfway full, or nearly empty? Does your answer change depending on the type of movie you're seeing or do you feel the same way regardless of the movie or genre?
Not packed. Not empty. Maybe 1/4 full?
8. What’s one really cool/useful/nice thing you purchased for yourself this year?
Most recently: new vacuum attachments to replace the ones that have disappeared or been ruined. Shoulda got new extenders too.
9. Are you in the holiday spirit yet?
I have been, but right now this very second, I'm not feeling it. Last night's party was fun, though.

3 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

When I was younger I would read around the family--just ignoring them by reading. Now I'm a grown up I can't get away with it.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Wow, who wouldn't love new vacuum attachments to replace the ones that have disappeared or been ruined? You are red hot... ;)

Cat. said...

Clearly, Bud, you know the code I use to talk about...other things. ;-)

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