Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Meme #2

(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
This or That

1. Candy cane or peppermint patties? Ir's the only time I'll eat peppermint patties. They have to be GOOD ones, though.

2. Sugar or gingerbread cookies? Sugar. Of course. Really, need you EVER ask? :-)

3. Tinsel or beaded strands? Uhm, well, here's the thing: growing up we'd've called it tinsel. Where I've done Christmases since 1986, it's called garland. We use white. Not aluminum.

4. Multi-colored or same-colored lights? I really prefer multi-colored, but the pre-lit trees apparently only come in white. So we have all white.

5. Flashing or still lights? I do not like flashing lights. At all.

6. Wreaths or mistletoe/holly? Wreaths.

7. Rudolph or Frosty? Rudolph.

8. Sledding or snowball fights? Nowadays, neither. As a kid, sledding and tubing. Not really a fan of snowballs, but I'm not against throwing snow at each other.

9. Snow or ice/icicles? Snow. Ice is evil.

10. Snow hat or earmuffs? Depends on the temperature and my activities. If I'm running in and out of buildings, earmuffs are the best.

11. Getting or giving? I like giving; I just don't like shopping.

12. Snow days or plow trucks? Plow trucks. Snow days next year mean I will have to take a personal day or make up the time, because I can't get to work if the plow trucks don't come through.

13. Stockings or presents? Even after 18 years, I still love filling Sparky's stocking better than anything else. And I always get goofy, fun stuff in the sock.

14. Cookies & milk or letter to Santa? We always did both with Sparky, along with carrots for the reindeer. And Santa always (ALWAYS) wrote back, in handwriting that eerily resembles the Tooth Fairy's.

15. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Eve for church, Day for lounging.

16. Log Burning Channel or real thing? Real thing. And, while we're opening presents, we burn the Christmas Candle.

17. Cards or emails? I think we're sending ecards for the first time this year.

18. Shoveling or cleaning off the car? Cleaning off the car. That's nothing. Shoveling is a nightmare.

19. Hot cocoa or eggnog? EGGNOG!!

20. Jack Frost or Little Drummer Boy? The old Jack Frost, pre-commercialization. Though the kids' program this year is based on The Little Drummer Boy, so I dunno.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Sometimes I adore snow days. But in June when we have to make them up--not so much.

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