Saturday, November 12, 2011

Six-Word Saturday

(Link in meme-roll)

College parenting is not much fun.

Just got off Skype after talking to Sparky for 90 minutes. He had to call from the Campus Center because, as usual, his room's internet failed on Saturday morning. He's heading into that period of freshman year/college life where the classes are kinda boring as well as kinda pressure-y with papers and tests and all, and your roommate(s) are just too much in-your-face ALL the-freakin'-time. And the weather is getting yucky, and homesickness is kicking in. I remember this all too well. So does Beast. This is the part of campus life that just sucks, and knowing that everyone is going through it with you isn't much comfort--it just means everyone is just as a cranky and fed up as you are.

So, as soon as we disconnected, I started crying. Because Sparky was on the verge of crying, which of course he "can't" do that in front of everyone wandering around behind him, and I knew if I started, he'd have a harder time with that, and then feel bad for me too.

It made his forgetting my birthday ok, at least. ;-)

3 sweet-talkers :

Olivia said...

Wow! That does sound hard. I guess every stage of parenting has it's trials. I hope he's having fun too--to balance out the hard times.

Jess said...

It's really hard when they go to college.Mine haven't but my sons girlfriend has gone to university and it was very hard for us at first!Chin up & keep going xx

betty said...

Visiting from 6WS; I'm sure it is hard for all when they go away to school or move out some miles away. I think part of parenting/mothering seems to be worrying about them and hoping they are doing the best they can. I think I probably would have cried too after I was finished talking with him. To brighter days ahead!


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