Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday

1. If you could turn back the hands of time, where would you go?
Assuming I get to keep the knowledge I have today, I'd hit 1988 or '89 and tell some home truths to some people in my life, including myself: "Get your act together NOW! You've only got 5 years left" and "Stop bullshitting me about my job" and "You aren't going to be young forever. Start planning" to name a few conversation-starters.
2. What was your favorite age and why?
If left to my own devices, somewhere between 6 and 10 (NOT at school, however). In the big picture, probably the last two years of college.
3. Travel into the future 10 years. How do you picture your life?
Working. Slacking off at home. Dealing with getting older; good Lord, my sister will be almost 80! Maybe playing with my grandkids. Who knows, really.
4. Did you ever take part in a birthday surprise? Tell us about it.
Aside from gifts, no. I don't like surprises all that much, and I don't think Beast is a huge fan either. And I definitely don't like mean-spirited surprises of any kind.
5. Pretend it is your ultimate birthday party. What five people, living or dead, would you invite?
My dad, the apostle Paul (though I'd keep duct tape handy for his mouth), Harriet Tubman, Michelangelo, and Bono. Holy shit, there are going to be arguments!! I'll definitely have the things recorded from multiple angles!
6. Let's have cake! Forget about candles and flavors and balloons. Who jumps out?
See #4. This is precisely the sort of surprise I don't like. But it does pretty much have to not be chocolate cake if it's my birthday. Sorry, chocoholics.
7. And finally, make a wish but not just any ole' wish. Make it count.
I wish everyone could walk in the shoes of someone they despise for a week without knowing they'd ever switch back, and retain everything they experienced after they did return to themselves.

1 sweet-talkers :

Mimi Lenox said...

I love #7!!!! What a wise wise thing!

No surprises?

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