(Found here, and no I have NO idea what the title means...) [and finished, now, in spite of the prior publication earlier this week]
Do you like flavored teas? Not my thing, actually. Black is my drink.
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? Swingset. Loved that thing. OMG. Always wanted a playhouse, but Dad was too busy building actual, real houses.
What got you into surveys in the first place? Insanity, boredom, addiction to answering questions.
If you could have any job at this moment, what would it be? I like my job, and there's always the devil you know v. the devil you don't.
Do you have any pictures on Facebook that you uploaded a long time ago and are embarrassed of now? Nope. I don't upload pictures I'm embarrassed about.
Do you like the Pop Goes… compilations? Never heard of it/them. Or, wait, there's a tickle at the back of my memory...but no I don't own any of them, whatever they are.
Is your mall nice? "My mall"?? I don't own a mall. The malls at which I shop are just fine, albeit not nearby.
What are you listening to? The end of last week's CSI.
Do you burn incense? Or oil? No incense: Beast hates the scent. The only oil I burn is lamp oil, unscented, when we lose power.
Do you smoke weed? Nope. I don't smoke anything.
Do you like to post song lyrics for your Facebook status? I have done so. Not often.
If you could play any instrument, what would it be? Bagpipes.
Do you like little day trips? Sure.
Do you cook when you're bored? No.
Do you still like to burn CD’s? Or are you more of an MP3 player kind of person? I burn loads of CDs.
This is my first survey, by the way, so don’t be too harsh. :) Do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? Or do you just do it yourself? I do 'em myself, very haphazardly.
What would your ideal house be like? And where would it be? Smallish cabin/cottage in the mountains somewhere.
Do you go to Warped Tour each year? Have never gone at all!
Do you prefer rainy or sunny days? Sunny!
When you were younger did you read the A Series Of Unfortunate Events books? I read some of them.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there? If not, what’s your favorite place to get food? Nope. We are too far north. "Favorite place to get food" would be Taco Bell. Or the grocery store.
Do you buy all the limited edition things? No clue what this means, so no.
Do you have any pets? Two guinea pigs.
Do you have that one friend who only seems to talk to you when they need something? I have some acquaintances like that.
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around? Haven't missed one yet, so yeah.
What is your favorite magazine? E Weekly.
Do you still buy music? Yup, unless it arrives as a gift.
Do you enjoy being outside? Not much, not anymore.
What’s your opinion on Waka Flocka Flame? I'm 100% neutral, as I know nothing about this.
Do you go to the gym? Huh. No.
Who was the last band you saw live? U2, their first pass on there current tour.
Do you have a lot of jewelry? I have more earrings than anyone really ought to own.
What was the first cell phone you ever had? It was a very limited plan Nokia.
Do you like Kid Cudi? He has his good points. I wouldn't listen to him nonstop.
What’s your favorite scent? Fresh-baked bread, and babies.
Do you like dancing? Sure. I rarely ever actually dance, but I enjoy it.
Do you have any idea what you want to be for Halloween? Yep: same thing I've been for the past several years.
Do you like to do craft like things? Not particularly; I don't think I'm all that artistic.
What’s your opinion on KFC? I miss ours, even if it has been closed almost 3 years now.
Have you ever been to New York City? Not yet.
How about Canada? Yes.
What are your top three favorite movies? Heathers, Fiddler on the Roof, Matrix 1
Have you ever been in a spelling bee? Yup. Not for decades, though.
Do you have anything exciting planned for this weekend? I work Saturday, I teach Sunday School and play bells at church on Sunday. Woo-hoo, my life.
Are you guilty of ever sending someone naked pictures? Look, by the time this was possibly, my body was definitely not-ready-for-prime-Internet-time.
How about 'sexting'? Not as such.
Do you like Degrassi? Never watched it.
Do you like to cook? Here's the thing: if I didn't have to plan, or do putzy stuff with weird food or tools, or grocery shop...yeah, I wouldn't mind cooking that much.
What's your favorite color nail polish? Kinda into the dark colors, but since I only ever do my toes, it's not a goth as it sounds.
Have you ever heard of City and Colour? No. Why? Should I be worried.
What is your favorite thing about your favorite season? The crunchy leaves, and the general feel and smell of the air.
Does the future worry you? A little.
Do you believe prayer really works? Yes. But it's complicated to explain, like many simple things.
Do you and a friend have friendship bracelets? Nope. Never. This just seems lame beyond all reality to me.
Do you like tie dye? I don't mind it, but I'm fussy about the colors.
Are you one for stealing signs? I'm not really one for stealing, primarily because I know what those sorts of things cost to replace.
How do you feel about autotune? I don't mind it, if it's not overused.
Who was the last person to IM you? Beast, at work before I left today.
Are any of your bills past-due? Doubtful. Beast is all about that stuff.
Do you carry any means of protection on you while out in public? Just my attitude and my viperish tongue. Oh, and my ear-piercing shriek when something surprises me.
Hoodies or jackets? Depends on the occasion. Generally, jackets.
When was the last time you recieved a black eye? How'd you get it? I think the last time I've been hit in the eye was 7th grade gym class, softball rotation. I can't remember I got a black eye, but my glasses were ruined.
What's the last annoying noise that you heard? While at bells tonight, me and the guy next to me could've sworn we heard a train whistle outside the building. This is weird as our church is probably 5 miles from train tracks.
Do you crack your knuckles? I can. I don't, on purpose, very often.
What's your least favorite physical feature on yourself? My tummy.
When's the last time you wore a wig? Uhm, never?
Why were you last hospitalized? It's been 14 years. Now that I've jinxed myself, I'll only add that I had abdominal surgery.
What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo? Wolves. And monkeys.
Do you believe that pets have their own personalities? Well, of course they do!! OMG, who doesn't think so? Fish-owners, I suppose, maybe.
Who's one person who's guilty but was found not guilty? We're all guilty of something. OJ definitely is guilty of SOMEthing major, that's for sure.
Have you ever felt like you made the wrong decision? Fairly often.
Do you think glasses make someone instantaneously nerdy? Not really. Nerdy is as nerdy does, y'know.
Do you have any friends that someone would call 'white trash? I think I went to grade school and high school with some people who might classify this way, and perhaps some of my college friends. Don't think anyone I hang with regularly does though.
Are there any flags in your front lawn? Nope. Not allowed, per HOA rules. We occasionally fly an American flag or a Packer flag from our porch.
What's one job that you'll never work for any amount of money? Why? I don't think I'd be much good as a sumo wrestler. Or a ditch-digger.
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? Mashed. I actually don't like baked potatoes very much at all.
What time will it be in 3 hours? Will you be asleep? 12:15 a.m. and I had BETTER be asleep or there'll be hell to pay tomorrow.
What's the longest you've ever gone without food? Probably close to 24 hours.
Have you ever changed a diaper? I have a child. I babysat lots of kids when I was younger. I have lots of nieces and nephews. So...yeah. I've done my share.
From where you're sitting, can you see out the window? What do you see? It's after dark so all I see is black outside of any of the windows I can see out of from here.
Who's the last person to ask you for a favor? I don't know; I don't keep track of this. Perhaps someone at work today?
Do you read comic books? Nope. Well, ok, I did just finish a manga the other day, so I guess I do.
What curse word do you use most often? "Crap" but "shit" and "fuck" aren't far behind.
Are junior high years really the worst years of your school life? They weren't exactly great for me, but honestly 5th and 6th grades were pretty bad too.
Why were you last embarrassed? I'm sure it's cuz I stuck my foot in my mouth over something.
Are there any scars on your arms? From what? Small marks from bashing against sharp things, and my brother's dog "bit" me at one point too (her teeth broke skin, but it was play biting).
Do you tend to ask a lot of questions? Why do you ask?
Do you know anyone with obsessive-compulsive disorder? Clinically diagnosed? I don't think so.
Have you ever taken anti-depressants? Yes. Yes, I have.
Have your parents ever forced you to go to a therapist? My parents would NEVER have done this, even if I would have shown any need of one.
When's the last time you faked an illness? I haven't faked an illness for a long time, but I have, perhaps, lied about being sick. There is a subtle difference.
What's the last magazine that you read? I flipped through my college alumni magazine earlier today.
Have you ever had to ask someone for money? Uhm, yeah? Have purchased 3 houses, bought a few cars, via loans. And also my parents. And husband, but not often.
Have you ever donated to a charity? Only regularly.
What do you currently smell? About the only thing I can smell is the gum in my mouth.
Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? Regular socks? Listen, toots, I grew up with tube socks, and before that anklets! I've got ankle socks and longer socks, trouser socks and knee-his.
Did you carve any jack-o-lanterns this year? Beast did. I don't really enjoy the carving thing.
When's the next time you'll see your mother? Probably about 3 seconds after I stop breathing for the last time.
Who's the most random person you've ever met? Marc Engstr0m. And most children under age 5.
Is the news usually just depressing? Yup.
If you could go to any planet, which would you go to? This one.
Have you ever felt trapped in a situation? Actually, yes. Bigtime.
Have you ever been inside of a cave? I love caves. And mines.
Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? Hell NO!
Have you ever warned a friend about someone but they didn't listen? Of course. And this one of the reasons I try very hard not to offer advice unless specifically asked.
Have you ever tripped someone? On purpose...? I don't think so.
What was the last illegal drug that you used? The only illegal drug use I've participated in is really just illicit use of other people's Rx drugs on occasion. Beast has almost always had access to major painkiller and/or muscle relaxants.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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