Friday, October 21, 2011


(Link in meme-roll)
If the world is ending, is typing in all CAPS OK?

1) If you're reading this, the world has not ended as Harold Camping has predicted. After a previous failed prediction of the rapture earlier this year, Camping said the world would end on Oct. 21, 2011. If you did know when the world was ending, what is something you'd like to accomplish before its final day?
Wow, I'm stunned that the world didn't end! Really. How could this guy be wrong TWICE? Imagine! Last day=eat everything crappy, drink a lot, and tell everyone important to me that they're awesome. Oh, and I'd probably pray.
2) A judge ordered actress Lindsay Lohan to do community service at a morgue, mostly doing janitorial work including cleaning and stocking restrooms, mopping floors and washing sheets that the facility uses. What do you think would be the worst part of working in a morgue?
Seeing grieving family members. I hope that dingbat isn't inflicted on people there on the worst day of their lives.
3) In honor of today (Oct. 21) being Reptile Awareness Day... Do snakes and/or other reptiles scare you?
I'm aware of them, I don't need to be next to them unless I'm sure they're safe, but I'm not actively afraid of them.
4) Next Friday, "In Time" will open in theaters across the U.S. featuring a society in which time has become the currency. In its trailer, a cup of coffee costs you 4 minutes of your life. Do you think your eating/drinking habits would change if you learned how many minutes an item was shaving off your life?
I dunno. Probably not.
5) Maxim magazine just introduced me to the website Work Poop, on which you can calculate how much of your paycheck goes down the office toilet. (Click here to test it out.) Had you ever wondered how much money you make while using the restroom at work?
Uhm, can't say as I have. Nor am I going to worry about it henceforth.
6) What's something that always makes you roll your eyes?
One of my coworkers--actually, there are two, but I'll focus on one--just about caused my eyes to pop out of my head at today's 3-hour staff meeting. Gah.
7) Tomorrow (Oct. 22) is Cap Locks Day. Does it bother you when people type in all CAPS?
Every email FIL sent was all caps. I'm kind of over being pissed off about it, but I don't like it much. Makes it hard to see what's what.
8) Tomorrow is also National Nut Day. Do you prefer crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Creamy. But I'll be having some almonds tomorrow to 'celebrate' the day! W00t!!

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