Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Questions Galore Meme, Part 2
[oops, looks like I missed Part 1 last week...oh well....]

21. What was the last song you listened to that wasn’t sung in English?
I had to go look at Friday's work playlist, but it seems to have been "Imithi Gobakahle (Children Come Home)" by Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
22. One of our SS players generally leaves a critical comment on our memes. Which is fine. All's fair. Do you let meme authors know when you hate their memes?
Not usually in the comments. I occasionally get VERY snarky about questions, but then again, I'm sitting here answering them all. If I really don't like a meme, I just don't do it. No harm, no foul, no need to be Nelly Negative.
23. What TV show would you like to be on?
NCIS. Just a bit part, in the background. I'd even do scene setting if it meant I could hang around Mark Harmon.
24. What was the last video game you played?
Uhm. Yeah. Probably Wii Fit, about a year ago.
25. Have you ever been in a musical? If yes, do tell.
I was a rat in a musical version of the Pied Piper of Hamelin when I was 10. Hated it. And I was in the pit orchestra for the high school musical for three years: Bye Bye Birdie, The Sound of Music,, I have no memory of the one we did junior year!
26. Do you follow your own style or everyone else’s?
Style? What is this "style" of which you speak? Do you mean "stiles" like to get over fences?
27. What’s the last store you bought from?
I bought gas Friday night, along with a bag o' chips and some pop. I guess that's it.
28. In retrospect, have you ever let a person use you a lot?
Welcome to parenthood!! Otherwise, no.
29. What are you doing two days from now?
Hmm, well, I might be driving Sparky back to school. Or I might be sitting on the couch getting ready to watch the NCISes. I have no idea.
30. Did you ever believe there were monsters in your closet?
Oh, yeah! Not for 42 years, mind you, but when I was 4 or 5, they were VERY real.
31. When you graduated high school, did you let random people sign your yearbook or just close friends?
Mostly people I knew, though that could be rather random.
32. Would you consider adopting a child that had a mental illness?
Wow. Uhm, probably not at this point in my life, unless there were extenuating circumstances (like the child was related to me). And a great deal would depend on the age of the child, and what sort of diagnosis we were looking at. I say this because we have friends with a child with "issues" and I've said for years that I'd take him in a heartbeat because the family situation in that household is actually making him worse.
33. Does thinking about death scare you?
Not particularly, and I have been doing so a LOT lately. It makes me sad though.
34. If you died, do you believe that you go to Heaven or Hell and where would your spirit go?
What a strange way to phrase this. I do believe there is an afterlife. I don't think it's an either/or situation; I think there's a heaven that our souls go to. Pretty sure our physical bodies aren't coming with.
35. Who did you last write a snail mail letter to and why?
I haven't sent an actual letter in eons. I have two sympathy cards and a legal document that need to go in the mail tomorrow, though.
36. Do you care what people say or think about you?
Not nearly as much as I did 20+ years ago! For the most part, I only care about the opinions of people I like, whose judgment I trust.
37. Have you ever been threatened?
Of course. Anyone working with the public gets threatened, or at least feels threatened, occasionally. I don't spend hours agonizing about any follow-up, but I do take it seriously in the sense that I don't really make my personal life very public. As you can probably see by the fact that I don't use anyone's real names or locations in this blog.
38. Which side of your family do you get most of your qualities from?
I look like my dad's side, completely. This is not a great thing, to be honest, but dude's gene pool was SERIOUSLY tough--of 5 kids, 3 of us are carbons of my dad. Aside from that, I'd say I'm probably about half and half; I figured out quite young that a major reason my mom and I fought so much was because we were too much alike.
39. What was the last thing with alcohol that you drank?
I had a schlook of wine at FIL's servicemen's club memorial, since everyone else was.
40. Have you ever kept a relationship a secret?
The less my parents knew about my relationships in college, the better, as far as I was concerned!

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I'm with you about the meme whiner. If it's that bad I skip it.

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