(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
1. Fave fall Holiday: Thanksgiving
2. Best thing about fall walks: the smell of burning leaves
3. Favorite fall chore: carving the jack-o-lantern
4. Least favorite fall chore: putting the garden to bed (so to speak)
5. Best change in the home: the end of allergy season
6. Best tree in the fall: maples, love the maples
7. Fall ritual: getting used to the school bus schedule
8. Most frustrating thing about fall: ALLERGIES!
9. Favorite fall decorations: leaves, on the ground, outside.
10. Favorite clothing: jeans and sweatshirts.
11. Traditional fall candy: candy corn.
12. Favorite sound: crunching leaves (stolen answer)
13. When does fall begin for you? As soon as the humidity disappears.
14. What is your favorite aspect of fall? Cooler nights.
15. What is [sic] your favorite fall memories? New classes at school.
16. What do you like to drink in the fall? Hot apple cider, with cinnamon.
17. What's your favorite fall food? Fresh apples, and sweet corn.
18. What color is fall? orangey-brown.
19. What does fall smell like? smoke
20. Holiday shopping in fall: yes or no? Sure, if I get around to it. I don't know it's going to happen this year, though.
21. If you could go anywhere in the fall, where would you go? The mountains.
22. What is your favorite fall sport? Football, of course!
23. What is your least favorite thing about fall? This fall, it's the rain. It finally stopped this weekend, but what a miserable week or so.
24. Which do you prefer, the Farm or the Fair? Aroo? The farm, I guess.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
#23--the rain ruined my plans to go leaf peeping along the coast. bah!
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