Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday 13

(Link in meme-roll)
Things Starting with D
  1. Diamonds. I did not buy any tonight, though I did get all my jewelry (of the expensive variety) cleaned and inspected. The guy that checked everything over is younger than my engagement ring. ...sigh

  2. Debate. To go to my nephew's wedding, or not. I'm probably going. Oh, the excitement of seeing my brother again. ...sigh

  3. Duh.So much duh in the world. Today's big duh: Sparky posted that he has homework in Chemistry due tomorrow. Yeah, dude; welcome to college.

  4. Dante. I'm reading the graphic novel version of Dante's Divine Comedy. It's bizarre; all the characters are dressed like they are extra from Guys & Dolls (the Frank Sinatra/Marlon Brando version).

  5. Death. Not going to get into this, but it's coming. Again.

  6. Depression. Not going to get into this either, but it's here. Again.

  7. Distress. Friends of ours are waiting to hear about a nephew who has gone missing in a wilderness area. He was last seen Sunday. That's a long time to be in the mountains alone with no supplies and probably underdressed for the cold weather that has moved in.

  8. Drugs. Always, always, always read the directions, count the pills, and make sure you are taking your meds the way the doctor wants you to do, not three times what was prescribed! Even if the pill bottles says something different, follow the doctor's rules.

  9. Da Bears. I hope they lose tonight. I really, really hope they lose!!

  10. Dumb. Advertisements. Especially the 64th viewing of almost any GEICO ad.

  11. Diary. I should be finishing typing into Blogger my diary entries from our trip in April. I'm about 5 pages (front and back) from being done. But I'm doing this instead.

  12. Dirt. There is a lot of it in this house. And I work Saturday. Guess I'll be cleaning on Sunday.

  13. Dreams. I had a very strange dream last night in which I was back at my first job, the one where I worked for someone I call PsychoBoss. I'm not sure she was in the dream, honestly, but I wasn't happy about returning to that workplace regardless. Not sure what brought this up last night; I sure haven't been thinking about it, except that my current boss shares some quirks with that boss (though the current one isn't mental...quite).

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