Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Money Grabber

1. Has anyone ever intentionally ripped you off? Or perhaps unintentionally?
Have you heard the phrase caveat emptor? Isn't this all about American business practice? Yeah, I thought so. There are a lot of scams out there; I've been taken in by some in the past. And I'm sure people are all over the intentionality spectrum here.
2. When was the last time that you made a quip that fell completely flat and embarrassed you?
Oh, regularly. I frequently engage brain AFTER speaking. Not by best trait.
3. When you go to sleep, does it you need to be absolutely quiet or do you need a little noise (radio, TV, music or white)?
SILENCE! I keel you! (pace Achmed) I wear heavy-duty earplugs and sleep fabulous. Prior to my discovery of earplugs, I didn't sleep well at all. On the other hand, I have no problem whatsoever napping during a football game or NASCAR race in surround sound. Go figure.
4. Do you have a memorable "ripped clothing" moment in your life? No? How about in someone else's? (Come on, you know you have something to contribute!)
I don't think I've ever worn anything that tore embarrassingly, but Beast was playing around at friends' years ago and fell into a tomato stake which missed his skin but tore the front pocket out of his shorts. It was ... not good.
5. What's changed on your blog since its inception? ...a redo? ...a change of pace? ...or is it still business as usual?
What hasn't? When I started blogging--OMG almost 8 years ago!--I had two blogs: one for my reading list, one for daily life. Since then the latter has split, cloned, and spread into about 10 other blogs including this one. It's sorta like my real life. I've also redesigned the look of the blogs repeatedly, though not for awhile.
6. Can you remember where you were in life ten years ago? If you could travel back in time and whisper something to yourself ten years ago, what would it be?
Ten years ago, Sparky was in 3rd grade, Beast was working for the first incarnation of his job here (his company has been bought out, twice, since then), I was working nights and weekends at the library. If I could travel back in time, I'd probably tell myself to buy Apple stock, and be more patient with Beast & Sparky. Not that I'd listen.
7. Okay, let's have it! What's the craziest, most impulsive thing you've ever done?
Throwing garbage back at the people who'd pitched it towards us...on the 4th of July at the lakefront 20 years ago. Everyone I was there with was horrified, thinking I'd started a fight with a bunch of drunks, but they backed down. Never mess with a pissed off librarian!
8. If you were having a bad day what or who would you turn to for comfort?
Books, bath, bed. Any or all of the above. Maybe Beast, if his day hadn't sucked as well.
9. According to the song White Rabbit, "one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small". If you were offered these pills today, which pill would you take and where would it take you?
Small, of course. Though I'd probably just wave it at my mouth--I just want to be a little smaller, not minuscule!

3 sweet-talkers :

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I love the apple stock answer! Ain't that the truth. Or you could invent facebook and know that generations of your family will be rich forever!

Oh, there was a problem with your link. You left a letter or two from another posting (does that make sense?) Anyhow, I fixed it...

I am Harriet said...

Wow- you have been blogging for a long time.

amy said...

#3: During NASCAR etc., it's not supposed to be quiet. When you're sleeping, it is. Our bodies are remarkably well-trained to listen even when we're asleep. (That's how my parents knew when I got home from work at the right time when I worked late, supposedly!)
#5: Thank God for the blogs. It's about time for a redesign on my main one...and a possible reincarnation of The Other One. :)

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